Can We Make That a Barrel of Deplorables?

September 13, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

They just keep overflowing that basket.

A western Oregon man is publicizing his antipathy towards Hillary Clinton by hanging an effigy of the Democratic nominee on the side of an interstate highway, local station KVAL reported Monday.



Though Pitner told KVAL that a local priest had asked him to take the effigy down from its spot on the shoulder of Interstate-5, Pitner said he was simply exercising his First Amendment right and planned to switch up the signs on the display daily.

“I’m allowed to have my feelings, right, wrong, or indifferent,” Pitner told the news station. “Here you are. Got your attention, didn’t it?”

Yeah, Billy, but so would a 450 pound burlesque dancer wearing nothing but chicken feathers.  Both kinda make you roll your eyes.

Bless Billy’s heart, he kinda look like something Lewis and Clark left along the trail.


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