Call The Salvation Army To Pick This Crap Up Because We Sure Don’t Need It
Here’s the Republicans handing us a scam impeachment “trial” of a president seeking to be Dear Leader and Premier rolled into one, and what do we do? We screw it up by starting a family feud.
A four-hour docuseries about Hillary Clinton will premiere in its entirety March 6 on Hulu, the Hollywood Reporter reports.
In it, Clinton slams Sen. Bernie Sanders: “He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.”
She refused to say whether she would endorse him if he won the Democratic nomination.
Shut the hell up.
Obviously, someone likes him or you wouldn’t be so damn bitter. He has friends. Some people like him. Just shut up.
Even suggesting that you might not vote for him if he’s the Democratic nominee belittles you and the entire damn country. But mostly it belittles you. Shut up about it.
This just makes me want to sit down and cry. Please don’t patronize Democrats who support Sanders. I know some Sanders supporters who can give you a dozen rational reasons for supporting him. They were not sucked into it, they thought their way there. Don’t tsk-tsk them.
I have stayed out of the Hillary fight because I support anybody who will run against Trump. I would even support Hillary, again. If she’ll just shut the hell up about petty crap like this.
Yeah, I’m rolling my eyes.