Call The Salvation Army To Pick This Crap Up Because We Sure Don’t Need It

January 21, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s the Republicans handing us a scam impeachment “trial” of a president seeking to be Dear Leader and Premier rolled into one, and what do we do?  We screw it up by starting a family feud.

A four-hour docuseries about Hillary Clinton will premiere in its entirety March 6 on Hulu, the Hollywood Reporter reports.

In it, Clinton slams Sen. Bernie Sanders: “He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.”

She refused to say whether she would endorse him if he won the Democratic nomination.

Shut the hell up.

Obviously, someone likes him or you wouldn’t be so damn bitter. He has friends. Some people like him. Just shut up.

Even suggesting that you might not vote for him if he’s the Democratic nominee belittles you and the entire damn country. But mostly it belittles you. Shut up about it.

This just makes me want to sit down and cry. Please don’t patronize Democrats who support Sanders. I know some Sanders supporters who can give you a dozen rational reasons for supporting him. They were not sucked into it, they thought their way there.  Don’t tsk-tsk them.

I have stayed out of the Hillary fight because I support anybody who will run against Trump.  I would even support Hillary, again.  If she’ll just shut the hell up about petty crap like this.

Yeah, I’m rolling my eyes.


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0 Comments to “Call The Salvation Army To Pick This Crap Up Because We Sure Don’t Need It”

  1. Well, I think Hillary speaks the unvarnished truth. That dems even let Bernie participate in our primaries is ridiculous.

  2. The very last thing democrats need is another Hillary/ Bernie pissing contest. If she is not on the ballot, stf up. So can DWS.

    Unless we get a miracle turnout POTUS Trump will win again.

  3. Rick Stelter says:

    Methinks the lady has some problems with projection, and a goddamn indiscreet mouth.
    You haven’t a dog in the fight so get back on the porch and shut up already!
    We need no more of your “help” in the Democratic party.

  4. Ever since Newt Gingrich started “play for pay” in the House, where bidders for important posts have to raise money for the party (Speaker costs $25 million) (the Dems adopted the policy posthaste, so both Boehner and Pelosi had to cough up the change), the Democratic Party has been GOP Lite. They formed the Democratic Leadership Council (Biden was a founding member) to curry favor with the billionaires the GOP had been courting for decades.

    This meant softening (translation: abandoning) the historic Democratic message– no support for unions, undercut Social Security, go for school privatization in a big way, privatize Medicare Parts B and D, slash cash and food support for the hungry, unemployed and homeless, all to keep people like Robert Rubin as contributors.

    This also meant trashing Vermont Governor Howard Dean in his bid for the presidency. A quite conservative Democratic governor who nevertheless established a terrific health care program for children (he was a pediatrician), Joe Lamm of the DLC characterized him as a “leftist.” It was a sign that Dean hadn’t left the Democratic Party; the party had left him.

    The party has left Bernie, too. But Bernie stands where Eisenhower stood– no catfood commission (as there was under Obama) to cut back SS, a much-deserved and -needed hike in the marginal income tax rate, and much more support for the people who do what they can to keep this country going in every small business, every town garage and every factory– and then get laid off for their efforts.

    Speaking as a 20-year member of my town and county committees, I will say that we Dems have a vested interest in trashing Bernie, because how else are we going to keep the big donors on board? God forbid that we should have to revert to what the party once was.

  5. Suzanne Melton says:

    “That dems even let Bernie participate in our primaries is ridiculous.”

    The Democrats sure use Bernie when it helps them.

    The Senate Democrats put him on the front page of their website AND he is their Chairman of Outreach.

    But, they’ll screw him when it suits them.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Hilz! Really? I thought you were smarter than this. We voted for you in the general, so allow us to tell you about the mythical “Bernie Bros.” You should have picked up on this from the intelligence briefings. Russian bot farms were busy with all sorts of disinformation. You won the popular vote with the support of those of us who had voted for Bernie in the primary. You won the general election.

    Then there was the matter of the recounts that did not happen in 3 states thus giving IQ4.5 the edge with the Electoral College. Why didn’t those recounts happen? We’d like to know. We would also think that you would like to know. Ask Vlad. Ask Jill Stein. But for love of country, please, stop blaming Bernie and this myth of “Bernie Bros.”

  7. Has anybody noticed that Bernie is at the center of most of these internecine conflicts? He is a poison to the Democratic Party.

  8. Terrible timing. Who decided to put this out now?????

  9. Sarah O @ 9 The enemy of our enemy is our friend…

    (Corporate MSM TPTB proverb)

  10. Frank McCormick says:

    Sarah O at #9:

    This started with footage from the 2016 campaign that was edited into a multi-part documentary with commentary for Hulu called “Hillary”.

    The Hollywood Reporter singled out this quote and asked if she still stood by it.

  11. Sarah O @ 9,
    I was just wondering the same thing.

    I like Bernie. He isn’t a liar, a crazy, ignorant, or unethical or cruel or a f***ing criminal. To me any Democrat is a hell of a lot better than ANY Republican at this point, especially Trump.
    Bernie should not be blamed for Hillary losing. I think that blame should be laid squarely on the failure of the EC and the blatantly crooked election machinations of Trump and the Russians.

    The goal is to get rid of Trump and as many GOP in 2020. The Dems need to get as serious about demonstrating unity as the GOP do. imho.

  12. Hat tip to Steve Bannon: It isn’t only RWNJs who flood the zone. (See El Jefe from a few days ago.) Dems do a pretty good job of it, too.

  13. Grandma Ada says:

    There are candidates I like and some I detest, however on November 3rd, I plan to vote for whoever my fellow Dems put on the ballot. We need to stick together and SHOW UP!

  14. thatotherjean says:

    @ Jane & PKM: Amen. We don’t need this–especially not now. If Bernie actually wins the nomination–I’m not voting for him in the primary, but that’s neither here nor there–Democrats need to unite behind him. The object here is to beat Trump, not fulfill our personal wish-fantasies. We don’t need to be sidetracked by family squabbles.

  15. The worst timing……and we’ll never in anyone’s lifetimes have a perfect candidate as long as the pool comes from humans not angels. So no matter who the Dem party nominates has my vote. Even if I puke quietly in my mouth a little as I cast my vote for the next white male prez. #votebluetosaveamerica.

  16. Oh, please. The nation is in crisis. We don’t need this.

    I worked for Bernie in 2016 but he turned me against him when, AFTER the primary was over, he went off about Hillary claiming that she was unfit to be president.
    Hey Bernie, here’s a hint: once the primary is over, it’s time to unite! You lost me with that chicanery. Now, the only way I’ll vote for you again is if you’re the last person standing between us and Trump.

    And now Clinton is pulling the same stunt? Seriously? The nation and the world are on fire and she’s bringing the gasoline?

  17. Two crows~~ Could you give me some source material about Bernie not supporting Hillary after the convention? If he said that about her before the convention, it’s understandable, but I never heard him say anything negative about her during the general election. Thanks.

  18. Karen Crosby says:

    I am with you 100%

  19. Avis Puckett says:

    So, this interview is what, four years old? Who gives a crap any longer?

    Hill is a private citizen now, hiking the woods. Knowing her, I feel sure she has let the bitterness go and is focusing on her grandkid and on writing.

    Meanwhile Sanders is older, crabbier, sicker, and in even less control of the savage Bros who follow him and trash every other candidate with snakes.

  20. JMFC!
    I can’t hardly believe the Salon is micturating off about this useless bullshit while Comrade DiJiT, Mitch Mc’Roo, and their minions are burning the focking planet down.
    Who gives a damn?
    The ONLY thing that counts is annihilating the Rethugs in November. It won’t happen with crap like this floating around.

    Vote Blue No Matter Who, Goddamnit.

    “…crabs in a bucket (also barrel, basket, or pot) mentality, is a way of thinking best described by the phrase “if I can’t have it, neither can you”.[1] The metaphor is derived from a pattern of behavior noted in crabs when they are trapped in a bucket. While any one crab could easily escape,[2] its efforts will be undermined by others, ensuring the group’s collective demise.[3][4][5]

    The analogy in human behavior is claimed to be that members of a group will attempt to reduce the self-confidence of any member who achieves success beyond the others, out of envy, resentment, spite, conspiracy, or competitive feelings, to halt their progress.[6][7][8][9]”

  21. I thought shivving Hillary was EJ’s obsession. If you think Hillary chose the release date for this series, roll your eyes back front and look again. After the mountains of BS through which Hillary has shoveled, she can say what she wants.
    If you need reassurance, she has tweeted that of course she will support the nominee, as she has throughout her entire life as a good Democrat. (A lesson Sanders could learn, if he tried. Last I saw, he was apologizing for his campaign lying about Joe Biden. You going to bash him for creating this distraction at this inappropriate time? ) As Charlotte Bronte once wrote, I can handle my enemies, but God defend me from my friends.

  22. It’s. A 4 hour series…. this is 20 seconds of it.. She has earned the right to speak her truth. Bernie the Socialist WAS very much the contrarian in the Senate, and very much a loner, up until Bernie the DEMOCRAT, which he became so he could have a shot at the Big Desk. Lifting this .20 is surely the work of the GOP and their allies. Must we all be complicit by continuing to talk about it?

  23. @msb – So, truth telling is now “shivving”. At some point you need to get off the Hillary bus. It broke down in 2008 and limped all the way through 2016 before it burned to the ground. Hillary was a AWFUL candidate, packed the DNC with loyalists, undid all of Obama’s campaign finance reforms, using DNC dollars to bribe super delegates to endorse her BEFORE the primaries even started. Even with her putting her foot on the scales, she couldn’t beat the worst candidate in US history. And before you say it, it shouldn’t even have been this close where the Russians’ interference could have enough effect to swing the elections. I agree with JJ. It’s time for Hillary to go write another book, take a walk in the woods, and raise money for the Clinton Foundation. We don’t need her help in 2020, especially in the primary. She should take a page out of Obama’s book.
