But Wait! Wait! We Thought Of Something Else!

September 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Former Republican Senator and now President of the Heritage Society (oops, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit) Jim DeMint sees a backdoor.

D000595You know how even John McCain says that the American people made their choice about Obamacare during the 2012 election?  And Obamacare won?  And that pretty much settles it?

DeMint found a backdoor.

“Because of Romney and Romneycare, we did not litigate the Obamacare issue,” the Heritage Foundation president told Bloomberg Businessweek’s Joshua Green in a story published Thursday.

DeMint says we really didn’t talk about Obamacare in the last election because of Romneycare.

You know what that means, don’t you?  The whole 2012 election doesn’t count.

And that’s why they can destroy Obamacare.

You know, with sufficient thrust like this, pigs really can fly.



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0 Comments to “But Wait! Wait! We Thought Of Something Else!”

  1. He certainly is DeMinted! The source you linked to says he left the Senate to go to a conservative think tank. When is he going to start thinking?

  2. DeMinted.

    And sleazy.

  3. Would love to see the wings on DeMinted

  4. I was watching Jon Stewart/Colbert’s comments on the whole Cruz clown show last night and it occurred to me that this is the first time in American history that one side just will not accept defeat. They keep talking about representing the American people and trying to repeal all that Obama has done “for the American people” – but the American people SPOKE and elected Obama twice. I just don’t get it. What they are really saying is that they are speaking for the American people who will not accept that their side lost. They don’t care about the will of the majority of the people.

  5. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Wait, shouldn’t they be called The White Heritage Society? I mean, I’ve never seen them think tanking on the environment, equal rights, fair pay, or anything for anyone else other than rich, balding, white men.

  6. The Repugs think they get a do-over because they are so special…and white…..and male.
    Their sense of entitlement boggles the mind.

  7. Someone once said:
    “It is only when the rich are sick that they fully feel the impotence of wealth.”

    Benjamin Franklin

  8. Juanita,

    Just a slight correction: It is the Heritage “Foundation”, not the Heritage “Society”.

  9. JJ, at least these pigs aren’t stealth bombers — yet.

  10. Cheryl said, “it occurred to me that this is the first time in American history that one side just will not accept defeat.”

    Aren’t you forgetting 1861?

  11. Yeah but when they crash to ground they fry up real nice with green eggs!

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Jim DeMint sees a backdoor. Of course he does,that’s where he parks his head with it’s little pointy hat.

  13. I read the article. It was DeMint spouting more of the same BS.

    Maybe I should just become a GOP/Koch Brothers shill. It seems like all you have to do is complain that someone isn’t conservative enough, and if only we explained conservatism better then everybody would rally behind us. It doesn’t seem that hard and it pays well. Except for dealing with crazy people, it looks like a good gig.

  14. justcurious says:

    Why doesn’t anybody ask Jim DeMint about the fact that the Heritage Foundation is the origin of the Affordable Care Act? Heritage developed the health insurance mandate as a conservative alternative to Hillarycare in the early ’90s. Later on, Mitt Romney, with the Heritage Foundation’s blessing, brought mandated health insurance to Massachusetts. But now that Obama’s taken the insurance mandate nationwide, Jim DeMint would have us believe Heritage had nothing to do with it?

