Best News Ever

June 06, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


I have missed her so much!  I didn’t know how I was going to watch Comey if Rachel wasn’t there watching, too.

Thanks to Barb in DeeCee for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Best News Ever”

  1. I had my own conspiracy theory. She got better after Laurence was finally signed up? Do I have my dates correct?

  2. Well, welcome back with whip cream on it! Terrific news, Rachel!

  3. WA Skeptic says:

    Huzzah!!! Those other folks weren’t bad, but they weren’t Rachel!

    If I weren’t a conspiracy theorist before, I think I am now; did anyone else notice she got deathly ill when the popularity of her show shot up? I wouldn’t put it past the Cheeto-faced Twatwaffle to put something into her tea.

  4. easttxdem says:

    YIPPEE!!! Boy, have I missed her analysis of the daily storm of nutty nefariousness blowing out of D.C. She’s the Weather Channel of all things political.

  5. JAKvirginia says:


    What’s the difference between MSNBC and Fox?
    At MSNBC their hosts come back from vacation.

  6. 1smartcanerican says:

    Yay! So glad Rachel is back. I will be watching her tonight rather than a surrogate. They have been fine, but just not Rachel as WA Skeptic noted. Thursday should be a red-letter day for sure!

  7. Laurel Beckett says:

    Hallelujah! Now I just have to hope that my husband is not watching his beloved Royals at 6 pm Pacific time, because I really need to prep for Thursday’s extravaganza by watching Rachel.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Laurel Beckett, it’s safe to allow hubby his Royal’s time. Count on it that MSNBC will repeat Rachel tomorrow night. Jane is cool with me NEEDing to watch the Golden State Warriors. If the series goes a game 5, she’s OK with a trip to a game 5 for KJ, my Dad, Freddie and I. Wonderful woman bought me an early Father’s Day gift from KJ and Jack. I am so spoiled!

    The Comey hearings on Thursday? Dunno. That’s Congress, not known for their brilliance and under snacilbupeR control, expect that the rodents will do all they can to limit questioning by the Dems. I don’t have all day to watch paint dry, and am a little leery of *breaking news* by media standards. We’ll tune in the TVs, record, etc., but not “stand-by holding our breath” for much. But, we’ll be hoping! 😀

  9. Oh, and I’m sho’ glad to see the Rach back tonight! She makes this gelatinous mass almost bearable. Stay well, Rach!

  10. Tilphousia says:

    A sprinkle of rose water to welcome Rachael back!

  11. Tilphousia says:

    A sprinkle of rose water to welcome Rachael back!

  12. Old Fart says:

    I am also getting over some overwhelming respiratory thing…
    I hope she’s a tiny bit rested, because the cold(?) kept me from sleeping well for more than a week.

    I DVR her show because we always learn something new to help make better sense of things.

    Be well, be grateful…
    (You could be walking around with sinuses mimicking a glue pot)
