Answered Prayer

June 06, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

All the little birdies on jaybird street,
Love to hear the robin go tweet, tweet, tweeet…

Donald Trump is going to live tweet during James Comey’s testimony because he doesn’t have anything else to do.

Robert Costa of the Washington Post reports —

“I was just talking to some White House officials this morning and their view is that the president himself wants to be the messenger, his own warrior, his own lawyer, his own spokesman,” Costa explained. “Some outside people, some surrogates will be available.”

In related news, some people think he might be crazy.

“There are serious concerns about this president’s mental stability, and there are serious problems when you have a president of the United States who is so erratic, so unreliable. This is incredibly damaging,” [Jennifer] Rubin told CNN’s “New Day.”

No shoot, Sherlock.

Thanks to Deb B. for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Answered Prayer”

  1. Maggie ONeil says:

    You sure know how to make a girl happy in the am!!!
    I will pray that wiser heads do NOT prevail.

  2. There was Tricky Dick running for POTUS. 3 times. There was Ronald Reagan. Also running 3 times. There was George HW and George W. All pretty wretched examples of the presidency and except for HW pretty wretched examples of humanity.
    Donald Trump beats them all hands down. Crazier than Reagan by a country mile. Neck and neck dishonest as Tricky Dick without Tricky Dick’s command of politics and diplomacy. So past George W’s dishonesty as to make George W look normal. Quite a feat. Naive as George HW seemed.

    No empathy. No foresight. Not a single solitary statesmanlike quality. The only things he brings to the table are his hates and overwhelming white maleness. I’m sure Adolf Hitler is ahumming a happy tune in Gehenna right now.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Micr, dunno about Adolf, but Donnie sure is making Vlad and Xi tons of happy.

    As for Dolt45 live tweeting during the Comey testimony, bring on the storm. There’s sure to be a confession or two in there.

    Oh, and Donnie. It’s not that interest has been lost in wanting to see your tax returns. No. We still want to see yours. But now we want to see Jared’s, too. When Robert Mueller gives that investigative string a yank, forensic accountants will be very busy. Hell of job there job creating, Donnie!

  4. Some people? Are just now getting onto the he’s crazy boat?
    Where the hell were they two years ago!

  5. That wipes out my Thursday!

    Ya know, whatever he is paying his attorneys is not nearly enough.

  6. Who is in charge of adjusting his dosages?

  7. I say let him keep tweeting anything he wants to say. So by all means Rumpie, keep up those tweets. Make yourself look even more psycho and stupid. At this point, you are the enemy of the American people and the sooner your presidency ends, the safer we’ll all be.

    Napoleon said, “Never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake.”

  8. “their view is that the president himself wants to be… his own lawyer”

    Because as we know, a man who acts as his own lawyer has a fool for a client. Or in this case, maybe a crazy person.

  9. This crazy Madman is in psychotic bliss. Narcissistic sociopaths crave the attention, good or bad.

  10. Judging by the time of day of most of his tweets, he may be using the bathroom as confessional.

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    This. Is. GREAT! Oh, this will be comedy gold! I’m mind-flashing PeeWee Herman: I know you are but what am I? Y’know that’s what his tweets will basically be. And when he weaves in Hillary and the e-mails and the “leakers”… or whatever else pops into his bitch-girl brain… SO many foreheads will have hand prints come Friday morning! Bwahahaha. C’mon world! Don’t laugh at us, laugh with U.S.

  12. Bernie Spencer says:

    When they go low, he can go lower.

  13. No one can self-sabotage like Orange Whore and he is going to Prove It!

    Good lord he is coming apart at the seams. Brains cells, those few left, exploding and spattering, echoing inside that empty cranium while the tiny hands tweet fragments of that inner racket he manages to pick up. Insanity Rising, circa 2017.

  14. easttxdem says:

    In keeping with the birdie tweet theme, James Comey is the canary in the coal mine of democracy.

  15. maryelle says:

    Dump’s favorite drink is America On the Rocks and his special
    dessert is Tweet Potato Pie. Main course: Chicken Cordoned Off Blue. Enjoy. (quoting the creator of the word, covfefe.)

  16. dbtexas says:

    Gonna be funny (in a most macabre manner). However, does anyone really think this interview with Comey will be a blockbuster? Leaks are already saying he will not state that Trump attempted to coerce him regarding the Flynn investigation. I simply anticipate more smoke and mirrors. It’s the rebub way!

  17. lumpkin says:

    T undercuts his own staff once again. Apparently both Conway and Gorka were sent forth to scold the press for obsessing on T’s tweets just hours before he announced he’d be tweeting the Comey hearing.

    This is the most inept group of people in charge of something important that I’ve ever seen.

  18. JAKvirginia says:

    For those concerned that Comey will not be stating conclusions or determinations during his testimony, please understand he doesn’t have to and that’s not his job. He’ll simply be stating what occurred. He probably won’t offer his opinion even if asked for it. But, so what? If his information is strong enough, the committee will determine if it’s actionable. And if Twitler provides color commentary, he may just hang himself. June may be busting out all over.

  19. Jane & PKM says:

    lumpkin, there is a whole lot of “this doesn’t add up.” Skull Anus Wrongway had a pretty decent gig going after successfully overseeing the campaign of what should have been the most unelectable individual on the planet. She even claimed to want to return home, raise her kids and work reasonable hours.

    FWIW I think she may have had a soupçon of integrity, until the day she entered the White House. Might even say that husband George is trying to send her a life line.

    My sincere hope is that those blackmailed into working for Dolt45 rediscover their integrity and fine tune their singing voices.

    fugetabout Mickey Flynn and the super tease Kato Kaelin stand-in weirdo what’s his name, Carter Page. Those two were a little beyond the bend before they connected with Donnie’s campaign.

    Seriously. No joke. Had to google to remember Carter Page. Not a total loss. Albeit “person of interest” certainly exceeds Carter’s relevance. But I did find this list of the flies orbiting Donnie’s carcass:

    49 and counting…

  20. e platypus onion says:

    Anything Drumpf sez can and will be used against him in a court of law. Think he’d learn to shut the trap when the courts keep telling him is Muslim ban is illegal.

    4 major law firms refused to represent him because he is uncontrollable and a loose cannon.

    Still-wingnuts have to take the lead in canning his ass and it doesn’t look ,like they are all that interested in doing their jobs.

  21. Heh-Heh-Heh! They’re beginning to turn on each other! Perfect! That’s the answer!

  22. Teh Gerg says:

    The damfool thinks he can control the narrative, but all he’s doing is narrating his own downfall. He’s playing Russian roulette, and he’s about out of empty chambers.

  23. Tilphousia says:

    Will be watching Comey’s testimony on Thursday. Yep, tea pot warmed, rocker ready. The really good show, though, will be crazy traitor trump tweeting his way to impeachment, prison and nothingness. The absolute worst thing that can happen to a sociopath. Just think, a world without the cockwomble screeching, tweeting, and making an ass of himself on an hourly basis. Ah! Blessed peace! No more trumps. None. All of them flushed away like dead leaves by cleansing rain.

  24. Have to had my first coffee but read the first sentence as jailbird, not jaybird.
    Must have impeachment on my mind.

  25. Tilphousia says:

    Oops! Forgot! Today, Daniel Coates testifies. Should be almost as good as Comey. Yet another traitor trump wanted to use to end the investigation.
    Yep, should be really interesting.

  26. Sandridge says:

    I’m still going to remain a bit skeptical about whether this may ultimately lead to the downfall of the Asshole-in-Chief.
    After all, Comey is apparently a Rethug, he did fire the fatal torpedo into the USS Hillary, and the entire hearing and investigation process is still tightly controlled by the Rethuglicans.
    Even with a big helping of Rethug incompetence, the Democrats have little power, and even less skill, in pressing home any kind of fatal blow to the regime of our Dear Leader.

    This is soooo cute (but I couldn’t help but change one word, to give the poor widdle robins a break (besides, I grew up with a whole clan of Robins)):

    “All the little birdies on jaybird street,
    Love to hear the ‘Pendejo go tweet, tweet, tweeet…”

    How many here who remember when that song was a biiig hit on the radio (the original and best one by Bobby Day)?
    Rockin’ Robin:

  27. Sandridge says:

    For those inclined to make watching political teevee theater into a drinking game, some bad news (dang it):
    (source: NEJM Journal Watch- Physician’s First Watch)
    “Moderate Drinking Associated with Structural Brain Changes

    By Amy Orciari Herman

    Edited by David G. Fairchild, MD, MPH, and Lorenzo Di Francesco, MD, FACP, FHM

    Drinking several high-alcohol beers — or their equivalent — each week is associated with adverse changes to the brain’s structure, suggests a study in The BMJ.

    Some 530 U.K. adults regularly reported their alcohol intake and underwent cognitive function testing over 30 years. At the end of follow-up, participants underwent brain MRI.

    Higher alcohol intake was associated with reduced gray matter density, hippocampal atrophy, and reduced white matter microstructural integrity. Greater consumption was also linked to reduced lexical fluency (i.e., information retrieval based on spelling). Alcohol’s effects were dose-dependent, with negative effects emerging with 7–14 units per week (14 units are equivalent to 4 pints of strong beer or 5 large glasses of wine). Light drinking (1–7 units/week) didn’t have a protective effect.

    An editorialist says the results “strengthen the argument that drinking habits many regard as normal have adverse consequences for health. … With publication of this paper, justification of ‘moderate’ drinking on the grounds of brain health becomes a little harder.”

    The BMJ article (Free)

    The BMJ editorial (Free)

    Background: NEJM Journal Watch Psychiatry coverage of adolescent alcohol use and brain harm (Your NEJM Journal Watch registration required)”

  28. maryelle says:

    Ah Sandridge, I turned 72 today and well remember “Rockin’ Robin” back in the day. I taught elementary music for 30 years and about halfway through that time span, we got new Music Books. They contained that very song, so every Spring, hundreds of kids learned to sing it and loved it. It was at the top of their request list. And of course they danced like maniacs.
    Those who could whistle did the wolf whistle at the end, which was not politically correct, but fun.
    iTunes has the Bobby Day version along with others so you can compare. Those were the days.

  29. Sandridge says:

    @28 maryelle,
    Well, Happy Birthday!
    I was about 10-11y/o then (1958), remember it well, and it was one of those tunes that got airtime ever afterward too. I don’t remember the nuns at the school I went to ever playing any pop tunes for anything, but we students sure went for it.

    Heck, I just watched parts of a Paul Simon concert on PBS and some of the camera shots reminded me of how damned lucky I and my date were to see, really up close, a Simon and Garfunkel concert in a very small venue.
    Sometime in the mid 1960’s, we sat in a box(?) just stage right, looking right down on S&G not more than a few yards away (I literally could’ve reached down and grabbed their guitars away ;] ).
    In that PBS show venue (Hyde Park(?), London) there was a huge stage and tens of thousands of people in the vast audience, even the ones close in probably needed binoculars.
    I was also struck by how old Simon looked compared to the young S&G guys I watched back then (as if we’re all still the same…).

  30. Sandridge, I was kid when I first heard it! By the way it is still used a lot as the ice breaker at dances. That beat just can’t be beat!

  31. e platypus onion says:

    I hear rockin’ robin my mind automatically sorts out pics of Robin Meade and her HLN gams- but that’s just me. 🙂

  32. JAKvirginia says:

    Hope your day is wonderful.

  33. Everytime my oven warms up to the temperature that I set the buzzer tweets a couple of times and Rockin’ Robin starts playing in my head. Earworms! My microwave gives me oh Holy Night. My spouse’s office phone started Over the Rainbow in touchtone. This is inspiration I could do without.

  34. My phone is this guitar riff:

    “Buh, buh, bad.
    Bad to the bone.”

    George Thorogood and the Destroyers! Yeah!
