Bristol Palin – the New Dr. Spock

January 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Get this.  Bristol Palin has a blog.

Last week, Palin took to her blog to condemn Davis as “downright pathetic” after a report in the Dallas Morning News questioned some details of the state senator’s life story, including how long she lived in a trailer and when her divorce to her first husband went through.

So, let me get this right.  Palin’s complaint is that Wendy Davis didn’t live in a trailer long enough?  And that she was 19 when she filed for divorce but a full grown and blossomed 21 when it was finalized?

Child, hush.  You cash in on your mother’s fame and then point a finger at someone else?

Oh the experts on motherhood on the right.

UPDATE:  Wendy Davis’ two daughters have written letters about their relationship.

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0 Comments to “Bristol Palin – the New Dr. Spock”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    Oh, please! She’s still ticked off that Chelsea Clinton got married before her and there was no baby involved! Someone PLEASE bitch-slap that chip off the old tart!

  2. DaddyWasATexan says:

    Bristol doesn’t write her blog, and most likely never reads it. It’s just another venue for her mom’s squawking points. Nancy French, who also ghostwrites the family’s books, is a Christian writer who has her own blog. You can always tell when Nancy is involved because there are coherent sentences. Bristol is more of a Facebook girl.

    Everyone knows Bristol has absolutely no room to talk when it comes to Wendy Davis, who was actually MARRIED for both of her pregnancies. Bristol is allegedly attending “skin school” (cosmetology is too hard a word) in AZ–the same place where her sister Willow attended “hair school.”

    No, Bristol has a lot to answer for, but her blog isn’t one of them.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Hey Bristol, what happened to your abstinence only gig? Remember the gig that gave sane people more giggles than your dancing dumbo act pas doofus with Mama Grizzly? Grift away little one and be content with that salon bought with fool’s gold.

    Before you start an internet flame war with Wendy Davis, be aware that she has real degrees from accredited universities, Harvard for one. Game, set, match for Wendy, before you can get off the bench, Bristol. Just a reminder: your Mama Bear is known as the quitter governor.

  4. We are supposed to believe that these two inarticulate women write these blogs?
    I would like to see Sarah and Bristol sit down at a computer and be observed writing their blogs.
    There is NO way that those two idiots write their on blogs.

    The only thing I learned from reading Bristol’s blog is that she learned from her mother how to be dishonest, bombastic and smug.

  5. Wendy did it on her own and didn’t get handouts from a Governor Mommy. Bristol should stop casting stones when she is a sinner who didn’t have as much adversity.

    * Wendy Davis began working at age 14. She worked as a waitress in her father’s theater cafe by night and as a receptionist in a pediatrician’s office during the day after her first child was born. During that time (before she remarried), she took a two-year paralegal program at the local community college (her child would have been 4 when she finished).

    * Bristol Palin was frequently on various TV programs within a few months of delivering her son. Before he was 18 months old, she was giving speeches for $15K-$30K each. When her son was 2, she bought a $172K home for which she paid cash. My personal favorite fact is that they are forcing the father to pay child support and tried to deny him any custody at all.

  6. Bristol Palin is a tramp of the first degree. She learned it from her mother and I know she makes Sarah Palin proud.

    She needs to sit down and shut up. she, like her mother, is completely irrelevant!

  7. Like Baby Grifterella has any clue about the real world.

  8. Here’s my prognostication on a Hillary/Chelsea v Sarah/Bristol smackdown.
    First Hillary has a better than even chance at the Presidency in 2016. Chelsea has a better than even chance, not a guarantee, of the Presidency in 2032 or thereafter. Although no candidate has ever run for President as the biological child of two former Presidents.
    Neither Sarah nor Bristol have a chance at the US Presidency. And I’d crawl out on the crazy limb again and say Sarah’s disregard for the governorship in Alaska would impair Bristol from winning that seat as well.

  9. Bristol as “Dr. Spook!” Good grief!

  10. Marge Wood says:

    Honey, with Bristol, it’s a genetic defect. Wendy is speaking tonight and you can watch her and others livestreaming if you can get onto Tribcast livestreams:

    But we have great news: the Texas Tribune has asked to livestream our event as part of their Tribcast livestreams of important political events. So you can click here TONIGHT to watch the Travis County Democratic Party honor Cecile Richards, hear Senator Wendy Davis deliver the keynote address, and listen to Senators Leticia Van de Putte and Kirk Watson, starting at 8:00 p.m.

  11. Trying to create something out of nothing again. Now THAT’S pathetic.

  12. Leave OH please leave poor Bristol alone. She means well she is after all, wait WTF is she? Oh back to my whine. She is the daughter of a mama grizzly bear and a rugged Alaska independence party dad. Now if that’s not a real murican then Steve Stockman was robbed when they turn him down for Mensa

  13. Braxton Braggart says:

    Susan, Bristol Palin called while you were out. She wants to know why you’re comparing her to that guy with the ears in the old Star Trek reruns.

  14. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I’m sorry but, what university did Bristol Palin graduate from? And her degree is in what? And she has how much actual work experience? Doing exactly what?

    I’d respect her opinion more if she actually worked for a living, knew what is was like to have $2.98 in her checking account after paying all her bills…. and she hadn’t even bought food yet.

    BTW, Miss. Palin, your kid has potty mouth. Where’d he pick that up from?

  15. The stupid is strong with this one.

  16. donquijoterocket says:

    @ Braxton B.- FTW. that’s almost precisely Bristol’s most likely reaction. Her mother’s also too.Neither of these women( and I use the term in its loosest possible sense) should ever be given more than the time of day.

  17. What could be more “downright pathetic” than being a member of the Palin clan.

  18. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Why is someone mentioning a Palin? Is there anything that any of them has done that is truly worthy of note?

  19. My, she is so like her mother, especially when she condemns behavior that she herself practices.

  20. UmptyDump says:

    JJ. since the Rethugs have now done their best to diss trailer residents simply because they happen to live there, Democrats should be making some new contacts and winning their support. Yet another group in Texas has been singled out, insulted and offended by the elitist right wing. Turn Texas Blue!

  21. Wa Skeptic says:

    I swear, that girl gives the term “white trash” a bad name.

  22. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Wendy got a law degree from Harvard… Bristol danced in a damned gorilla costume on Dancing with the Stars.

  23. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Marge, do you have a link for that livestream?

  24. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Found it. Here’s the link:

    Here’s the info about it:

    We are thrilled about our biennial Johnson Bentsen Richards Dinner tonight at the Four Seasons Hotel in downtown Austin. With an amazing program that includes Cecile Richards as our honoree, Senator Wendy Davis as our keynote speaker, remarks by Senator Leticia Van de Putte, and Senator Kirk Watson as emcee, we sold out several weeks ago. In fact, we expect more than 700 people to attend the Dinner tonight!

  25. kath the scrappy says:

    Couldn’t help myself. Every time I see the Stoopid muttered by the Palin freaks, I just feel COMPELLED to donate once again to Wendy and Leticia.

  26. How much you want to bet that a kid of Bristol Palin’s will end up in jail before one of Wendy Davis’s does?

  27. Just want to say that I have been following Wendy (from NC)
    and I can tell she has the rethugs worried by the way they attack her.
    I can also say I am proud at the way she holds her own with these thugs and does not back down.

    In fact I believe she has a good chance to win!
