BREAKING: Okay, Governor Oops, Keep Digging

June 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry has called another special session starting on July 1st.  It picks up the two items – transportation  and mandatory life sentences for juvenile capital crimes – AND the same abortion crap.

PDF of press release here.

I am 66 years old and I am still fighting this crap.

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0 Comments to “BREAKING: Okay, Governor Oops, Keep Digging”

  1. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Yeah, JJ… there will be a whole lot of us old broads beating the streets with this battle. We remember when abortion was illegal. Soldier on.

  2. Cheryl Ann says:

    I guess I’ll put in for vacation time. I will be there.

  3. Juanita Jean says:

    He wants to see MORE Texas women? Hell, we can arrange for that. No problem.

  4. You tell us the time and places of hearings, and we’ll get ourselves there. This Aggie girl might actually go out and buy an orange shirt.

  5. I didn’t get a pdf of the press release. I got the Cuba campaign contribution stuff on Cruz, Ms. Juanita.

  6. Jeff in Pennselytucky says:


    I’m not far behind you in age but this crap really pisses me off. I’ve never been prone to being violent, in fact I don’t think I’ve really been pissed off more than twice in my life and that so long ago I can’t remember.

    But I do have to say that if I had the chance to be up close and personal with Gov Goodhair, I’m not sure I could resist the urge to knock him silly.
    OF course we have our own jackass to deal with, Gov Gashole.

  7. They think they had a crowd of women yesterday … holy cow … there’s gonna be a damned invasion … you go Texas women … woohoo!

  8. Here’s the link folks:

    He dares talk about “breakdown of decorum and decency”? And says it is preventing “us from doing what the people of this state hired us to do”? The people were talking loud and clear last night, Governor. The breakdown in decorum didn’t happen until the lack of decency on the floor got so obscene it could no longer be tolerated.

  9. W C Peterson says:

    Really get the Texas Republicans upset. Carry a weapon (you’re allowed to do that, aren’t you?)

  10. Karl Keller says:

    I know it’s extreme, but they did it during the redistricting fiasco > skip town (or the state actually).

  11. I just read that while Wendy was out there fighthting for us
    women, some douche bag firebombed her office, if so I hope they get whoever it was and punich them to the full.

  12. It is time for another citizens filibuster. I bet that we can top the number of witnesses for the hearings on these bills. It will be good to force the GOP to listen to people who disagree with their views

  13. Pro-life (sic) Texans will just have to cheer themselves up with the state’s 500th execution, set for this evening.,32973/

  14. Hippy Cowboy says:

    Never thought this Texas Aggie would EVER own, buy, or wear anything ORANGE…but that’s all changed now! See y’all at the Capitol on July 1st…wearing orange!

  15. How much is this costing the state of Texas?

    For rick perry to grandstand so he can have his pro life credentials in order for 2016?

  16. @PDiddy–Maybe that should be “pro-life (sick)” on grounds that they are “pro-fetus” but also pro-executions, pro-guns, and anti-anything that might help anyone who wasn’t born into the silver semen club.

  17. Jeanne Craver says:

    Fred Clark at Slacktivist has a good idea: sing it!

  18. John Paffel says:

    Don’t discount the men in this room. I have be posting a lot on the social media sites, and I just got through with a phone call to Govs office with my opinion which was perdy stright talk. Id be in Austin my self if I could, but I cant, so I won’t. This extreme right trampling on our rights is nothing short of an American Taliban and must be defeated at the polls.

  19. Joan, that story about Wendy Davis’ office being firebombed is from last year.

  20. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Remember Wisconsin.


  21. Terry Smith says:

    I’m an old guy from PA. How can I help?

  22. Wendy has received over $60,000.00 today alone (last time I checked) on Act Blue. Let’s keep raising that!

  23. Great column in the (British) Guardian today by Ana Marie Cox:

    Protesters were told they were being “unruly”. Texas has a long tradition of female agitators: Governor Ann Richards. Representative Barbara Jordan. Columnist Molly Ivins. Every single woman yelling inside the capitol last night. Thank God for unruly women. Unruly women are responsible for pretty much everything good that’s happened in Texas.

    Juanita Jean, you keep being unruly! The unrulier, the better!

  24. KATIE DID says:

    mam, ms. wendy is incredible. with her a gov. i might consider moving back there.

    i comment at the washington post and everyone, well except for the trolls, has had the highest impression of her.

    ladies, i am copying one of my comments from there here, don’t let me down:

    all of you in austin, watch out! austin will be flooded by protestors and some of those mares and fillies will be packing. and looking for a trophy, hear that, you beneath contempt republican PIGS. and it is not your heads they will be after!

    large evil grin, you might say TX sized.

  25. Denise Timmons says:

    I will be down there as well. Perry may think he can sweep us under the rug but he will rue the day he tried!

  26. Litlhorn says:

    Seriously “us from doing what the people of this state hired us to do”?Since when Are ALEC and the Koch brothers Texas Residents? Ya’ll we need to ride this TEXAS Summer and impeach Good Hair and call his butt up on all those criminal charges that are just sitting there, waiting for the tide to swell – well folks, it done swelled last night! float the Taliban and their Sharia/Christian Law right out the Gulf! Senator Davis did last night , what no one, and I mean no on, in Any of these horrible ALEC states has been able to do. And why? because she is a big haired(Not really) Texas woman with some seriously low hanging cajones who knows this is life and death. You big Sure Ms Abbot has already redistricted her out of a Senate seat, so she just ought to take Good Hairs Throne – Lord knows there’s been a queen sitting in it for years Now!

  27. Time for a “Million Moms March” on Texas, gals & guys who believe in our right to PRIVACY when it comes to our most private decisions.

  28. I can’t be in Austin with y’all in person, but will be there in my most unruly spirit – wearing a bright-orange t-shirt. Friends & family, both female & male, will be joining me in our support of those unruly Texas women. If this debate is solely about making abortions medically safer, as the GOP is trying SO hard to make Texans believe, well, there’s a huge bridge across a gorge I’d like to sell ya.

  29. Admiration to Wendy and Statehouse supporters … from deep in the heart of Mississippi. Wish you were here.

  30. Hey, we made the Daily Show.

    (Fellow Aggies: I owned one orange t shirt from a youth gathering, so I wore it. I felt rather like I’d strayed into the wrong side of the stadium, wearing orange and surrounded by a sea of orange, but I survived the experience. I was a bit worried that my church tshirt might give people the wrong idea, but it didn’t. I just thought I would reassure you that it is possible to wear orange and survive…but I’m glad I left before the singing of the Eyes of Texas. Yeah, it was a totally appropriate song, but there are limits.)

  31. What is the significance of the orange t-shirt?

  32. Just saw this quote (and had to buy the bumper sticker) while in Jackson, WY last week:

    “Well-behaved women rarely make history.”

    I don’t know who to attribute it to…couldn’t ever find the source.

    And as other Aggies have mentioned above, this Aggie will wear orange on July 1st in support of the fine Texas women trying to make more history!!!!

    I regret I cannot be there in person. Instead I’ll make sure everyone in my immediate vicinity is aware of what is going on down there.

  33. Mary Lynne says:

    Did the legislature break any laws by changing the time stamp on the vote? Or would that be asking them to prosecute themselves? Seems like there should be some consequence there.

  34. It has to be smashingly obvious by now that “pro-birth” is not the same as “pro-life”. The pro-life part also includes those who don’t look or speak as you do and sometimes live where you wouldn’t be caught dead such as in cardboard boxes and tent cities and even in doorways often with physical and mental handicaps. You know, the people who are often called the ones who fell through the cracks. Fell??? If you read between the lines let alone the small print you would find that they were actually PUSHED!! Gov. Gashole has more than qualified himself as a pusher!

  35. Mullah in Chief, Rick Perry, is bound and determined to restrict a woman’s right to make reproductive decisions within the borders of Texastan, regardless how many special legislative sessions he has to call. No equal justice at the ballot box, to healthcare or who may marry for these “states rights” medievalists in charge in Austin.

  36. JJ – I’m pushing 80, and I’m still fighting this stuff.

    I won’t be in Austin. I’m hoping that the Texas Tribune will do another excellent job of streaming this one live on the web also.

    Isn’t it a darned shame, that to find out what your “elected Politicians” are up to….. you have to sit in front of a “Live Streaming from an on-line news source very few people ever heard of, before now…… because none of the newspapers, or teevee stations in the area can bother to let you know?

    I have three orange T-s. I’m prepared. I will be with you in spirit, just not in body.

    Meanwhile, I think my “fantastic plastic” and I will make some modest contributions…… to Planned Parenthood… they will have to fight this in court again, to ACT BLUE, to help get some Democrats with sense elected in this state, and to BattleGround Texas…. so fellows and interns here to help do some of the heavy lifting, will have some gas money.

    We all are just going to have to do what we can.

  37. I keep reading that they are making things safer for women. Exactly what statistics do they have to show how many women have died from abortions?

  38. Cheryl Ann says:

    JJ, will there be a bus or any group I can join for the trip? Where do I get my orange shirt?

  39. This is from “The Hill”.

    I think y’all might enjoy reading it:

    The part of all this that scares the heck out of Texas Pols, is toward the bottom. It’s the stat on how many young folks are reaching the “voting age”.

  40. Juanita Jean says:

    HEADS UP! I have been invited to a meeting on Sunday evening with all the big girls to make big girl plans for the special session. You will get a full report on Monday morning.

    I have a suitcase packed and ready at the backdoor. I suggest you do the same. We need to go to Austin to be bullied by the bad ole boys. The whole world is watching.

  41. Nancy Yates says:

    So, amongst all the other games being played, the Republicans keep saying this is a Women’s Health Issue. Making facilities where abortions are performed be at ambulatory care centers will protect women’s health because the procedures are dangerous. That’s their argument. Here is my response.

    No women died in Texas in the last two years in an facility that performs abortions. (At least as far as I can tell).

    In the last two years a number of teenage boys have died playing football in Texas. (I can’t get a firm number but somewhere between 3-10). Those teenage boys’ lives are just as important as the women who are getting abortions.

    What we really need is a law that says all football games and practices must be played at an ambulatory care center.

  42. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Nancy Yates… I laughed out loud.

  43. Texas would be a 3rd World Country but Rick Perry couldn’t count that high.

  44. Rick Perry is a jerk

    While many have called Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis (D) a hero for standing on her feet for 11 hours to filibuster an anti-abortion bill, Gov. Rick Perry (R) couldn’t resist taking a jab at her for having been a teenage mother.

    “Even the woman who filibustered the Senate the other day was born into difficult circumstances. She was the daughter of a single woman, she was a teenage mother herself. She managed to eventually graduate from Harvard Law School and serve in the Texas senate, Perry said Thursday in a speech to the National Right to Life Convention. “It is just unfortunate that she hasn’t learned from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential and that every life matters.”

    Davis was raised by a single mother, and she became a single mother herself at 19. She went on to graduate from Harvard Law School and was elected to the Texas state Senate in 2008.

  45. JJ if you transplanted yourself to a state that was marginally sane what would you do to keep your 66 year old self together?

  46. Sweet Crabby says:

    I’m 61, and for almost 15 hours I sat in that chamber in Austin, paying attention. I watched the Republican Senators do everything but pay attention. There were older ladies like me nearby, and we all commiserated because we’d been there before, long ago. How long do we have to fight this crap? It’s not about abortion. It’s about controlling health care, power, and staying on top. Take that any way you choose to – it’s about who’s on top. The good news is that the crowd was mixed ages, races, and any other qualifier we’ve got – we were all there. For this next session, YOU need to be there. Come on down!

  47. Lyntilla says:

    So, if I have space for someone to crash in Austin, who should I talk to? Planned parenthood, Act Blue?
