… And the Inevitable Response

June 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Congressvarmint Louie Gohmert, that man of understated wit, was confounded by the Supreme Court decision on DOMA.  Why, the poor man could barely find words …

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) reacted to two Supreme Court rulings on Wednesday by suggesting that same sex marriage “is usually tried at the end of a great civilization.”

Yeah, well, too late, Louie.  A great civilization would not elect you.

The gay is falling!  The gay is falling!

Thanks to Irene for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “… And the Inevitable Response”

  1. Aggieland liz says:

    Maybe it’s rising tee hee…

  2. Uncle Dave says:

    Hmm, what other great civilizations have ended in that way? Does Louie the Lip cite any historical precedent or is his just a bald exageration?

  3. Aggieland liz says:

    Hit send to early again! Does he know anything at all about the Greeks? Those early advocates of the freedoms that our modern Democracy enshrines? The more learned menfolk were quite convinced that a love affair – of at least mind and spirit – with another learned and talented man was of a higher level and far more pure than the procreative actions one took up with one’s wife! As usual, they felt their womenfolk didn’t understand them, but I expect the girls had them summed up pretty well.

    Has anyone told Louie about the accommodations they are making for transgendered kiddos now? I thought not…
    Wonder if Mrs Louie packed him off to play politics so as to get him out from under her feet, so to speak?

  4. AlanInAustin says:

    Louie’s comments don’t bother me that much as I find it hard to take anything said by someone sporting a prehensile tail very seriously.

  5. gramiam says:

    Thousands of married couples with too much fashion sense for one gender! It boggles the mind!

  6. TexasEllen says:

    I’m looking forward to attending a number of fabulous weddings. Doubt Louie will be invited to the same events.

  7. grannygrey says:

    I doubt seriously that he took World History in high school; he is a Texas native, and World History required (or at least used to) students who took it had to have the ability to think! I taught it; I know!

    And, he apparently took Government his freshman year when he was far too immature to understand anything taught. We waited until they were seniors, and had a vested interest in learning about it and Economics…

  8. Corinne Sabo says:

    What great civilization is he talking about? I am reminded of what Gandi said when asked about western civilization “I think it would be a great idea”.

  9. Wikipedia lists Mesopotamia and Assyria as having same-sex marriage as a recognized practice. No indication whether this was permitted throughout the existence of the empires, but Assyria lasted for over 1000 years. There was some sort of same-sex marriage in the early Roman empire, but it was outlawed in the Christian era in 342 AD, when Rome was in its decline.

  10. This just cracked me up. Thankfully Origuy got it first or I’d feel compelled to look the darned stuff up myself. Sheeeeesh! Someone should clue old Louie in on that old sage advice: Open mouth & remove all doubt about one’s ignorance.

  11. Litlhorn says:

    Such a Lovely Day to be Gay!
    In my 51 years, you could count on one hand with a tiddlywink’s accident injury the numbers of times I’ve been able to say that. As of today – the right has officially, and irrevocably been stamped with an expired 20th century stamp. they may whine, and they may shout, but time marches into MY future now boys, Lock and load, cause I am equal, you hear me Equal as of today!!!So yes, Louie, in a way you are right – the incredibly closed minded, controlling, Misogynistic sharia law spouting “Civilization” ie bubble -that you created for your self and the right- is dead – the 2nd line has been called and we will all strut and sing on bourbon street just for you! Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out!

  12. UmptyDump says:

    There’s no other word for it – conservatives aren’t just sexually ignorant. They’re demented. Jodie Laubenberg thinks that rape kits make a good douche. Rand Paul thinks that striking down DOMA opens the door to bestiality. Then there’s the incomparable Louie the Pickle Squirter …

  13. Braxton Braggart says:

    From Thursday’s Galveston County Daily News:


    Within minutes of the DOMA decision, Galveston County District Court Judge Susan Criss posted on her Facebook page, “To my gay friends: I do weddings.”

    Criss, a Democrat who announced recently she won’t seek re-election next year, went on to say that when she returns to law practice, she would also handle gay divorces.

    Criss, who said a run for the state supreme court a few years ago introduced her to a lot of the state’s gay rights advocates, saw the decisions as offering “hope and encouragement” to those seeking gay marriage and equality in Texas.

    “What I see is a sea change in Texas,” she said. “People will get engaged in Texas and go to other states to get married, knowing that even here they can’t be denied their rights. The Court has made that clear.”

    Only 12 states in the United States have laws allowing gay marriage.

    Criss said that as more couples take advantage of the laws in other states but live in Texas, more challenges based on Wednesday’s decisions will spark challenges across the Lone Star State that could, she thinks, lead to changes in the state law. She admitted it’s a process that won’t happen overnight.

    “I see it going broader,” she said. “I see a new hope and energy to make changes in Texas.”


    Susan’s dad, Lloyd Criss, is chairman of the county Dems.
