Breaking Good News

March 14, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In my mind, the only way we’re going to stop gun violence is to make somebody responsible financially.  This country has become a place where money is worth far more than lives. We need to fix that.

My suggestion is to require all gun owners to carry insurance on their guns, like we now require auto owners to do.  If your gun is used in a mass shooting, the insurance company has to pay big time, so insurance companies are going to make insurance very expensive. If nothing else, stockpiling guns will become far less fun.

However, this also might work.  The Connecticut Supreme Court just ruled that the Sandy Hooks parents can sue Remington for the death of their children.

By a 4-3 decision the court has remanded the landmark gun case back to Bridgeport Superior Court and possibly created a path that other mass shooting victims can follow to get around the federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, known as PLCAA, which has protected the manufacturers of the AR-15 from lawsuits.

“We further conclude that PLCAA does not bar the plaintiffs from proceeding on the single, limited theory that the defendants violated CUTPA by marketing the XM15- E2S to civilians for criminal purposes, and that those wrongful marketing tactics caused or contributed to the Sandy Hook massacre,” Palmer wrote.

You can’t sell military weapons to civilians?  That’s a unique idea!


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