Extra Points

March 14, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guys, I am trying to find out who this guy is.

He gets a million people to come watch his videos but offers no clues to who he is.  The production values are horrific (please note the bed to the right side in his Mom’s basement), but  he has a million people watching him and commenting.

He goes by Mister Reagan, but that’s not who he is.

Only conservatives would fall for a guy with no name and a fake city behind him, recording in a bedroom somewhere with an antique microphone that’s not plugged in.

If you find out anything about him, please let me know.


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0 Comments to “Extra Points”

  1. Charles R Phillips says:

    Love the Rod Serling intonation and phrasing.

  2. megasoid says:

    I wouldn’t be too impressed with the number of views listed. Here is a full page of: “How can you increase your views on youtube.?”


    I just watched a few seconds of his attacks on A.O.C. – with ONLY glowing comments of new fan believer adoration.

    He could be a “startup Matt Drudge” but with a hard alt right agenda.

  3. Very early on he slips in

    “I know this sounds crazy…”

    So credit where credit is due, he managed to get one thing right.

  4. Jeez another CONservative spewing HATE for the big bucks $$$
    When you have to channel Glen Beck, you know you’ve got the right ‘easy mark’ crowd.

  5. Listen to it again, but replace AOC with either Ronald Reagan or George W Bush.

  6. FOUND HIM! His name is Chris Kohls. He’s an actor. Here’s a link to his acting bio:


    And a link to his book on Amazon.com:


  7. slipstream says:

    Good job lex and Mark!

    Seems that he had the lead role in a TV series called “Satan.”


  8. slipstream says:

    Oops, I should have said good job TTPT and Mark!

    I needs a proofreader . . .

  9. If he’s a rightwing hater, why are we being invited to look at him and increase his viewer numbers? I have no intention of clicking that link and don’t give a damn who he is.

  10. I agree with not clicking an enemy’s website, but in the sense of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer, I’ll check in on the guy occasionally. Using Tor.

  11. AliceBeth says:

    So an actor is attacking someone for being an actor. Interesting.

  12. WA Skeptic says:

    Wonder where he’s getting his funding. Maybe Putin? Wouldn’t put it past that group. Or one of the Far-Right homegrown terrorist groups??

  13. @ AliceBeth 12

    I think the actor being accused of being an actor is far more convincing in her *role* than the actor is doing the accusing. Also, from the movies he has been featured in, I suspect he isn’t much of an actor anyways — perhaps that is why he is acting like he might know something.

  14. AliceBeth, its about knowing your audience.

    Bigotry and right wing lunacy sells. As an actor Mr. Kohls wouldn’t stand out very much if he was a liberal talking about climate change.

    Its like Ken Blackwell former Ohio Sec. of State (R) blabbered about being a black man in the democratic party. He left the democrats because to his mind who would pay attention to him if he was just another black man who was a democrat— but if he became a republican . . .

  15. He needs the green screen treatment. Set him up with a Star Wars Jedi Conference room background, with flying cars and stuff cruising by the window behind him.

  16. Cato the Censor says:

    He obviously wrote that IMDB bio himself. Pretentious little twit.

  17. Opinionated Hussy says:

    There’s a whole lot of self-promoting crazy out there….just move along, folks. There’s nothing to see here. (p.s. Cato the C. is correct, I believe. I also think he wrote the summary of his book on Amazon.)

  18. Old Fart says:

    Well of course AOC is an actor. We *all* are actors playing out our roles in life. I mean, how else did Gomert get elected…

  19. dobleremolque says:

    There have been news stories in the past few weeks about the GOP taking a leaf from the Russians and setting up hundreds of fake “news” sites. I mean real fake news sites, not fake Trumpian fake news … oh dear, this is getting confusing and convoluted. WHICH IS PRECISELY THE GOAL prior to the 2020 election.

    There is going to be a flood of this kind of stuff.

  20. NicaBrian says:

    Classic Republican projection. Once again. Actor of sorts, and given his resume using the term loosely, accuses AOC of answering a casting call and acting brilliantly in her role as an up and coming Democratic star.

    Oops, that’s not projection, that is bitter, jealous envy by a Drudge wannabe. Sad loser.

  21. Linda Phipps says:

    Rhea: I’m with you, don’t feed the troll, even out of curiosity.
