Bonus Schadenfreude
I’ve been scanning the news and Twitter and the only big names supporting Trump’s fantasy that he won the election and now we need to keep counting are few and far between but, nonetheless, let us rejoice in their pain.
Lindsay Graham
Less than two hours after the Associated Press officially called the presidential election for Joe Biden, Republican Senator Lindsay Graham released a statement detailing his plans to dispute the results. “It is imperative that all credible allegations of voting irregularities and misconduct be investigated to ensure the integrity of the 2020 elections.”
Which is why we need to start working on the Georgia senate races real soon. If Lindsay ain’t chairman, Lindsay has to shuddup the whining.
Newt Gingrich
It’s time for us to get mad. This election is unlike any we have ever witnessed. The systemic corruption is breath taking.
— Newt Gingrich (@newtgingrich) November 6, 2020
Newt wants to stay in Italy with Calista, where she is ambassador to the Pope. You forgot she was even alive, didn’t you? That part was nice, but I doubt Catholic Joe will want to keep her there.
Steve Bannon
Twitter banned him and so did I. You’re very welcome.
Those Cheerful Folks at Breitbart.
Oh dear Lord. What a mess.
I don’t look for this list to grow much. Rumor has it that both Jared and Melania have told him to take his loss like a grown up.
Ain’t gonna happen.