Bonus Schadenfreude

November 08, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’ve been scanning the news and Twitter and the only big names supporting Trump’s fantasy that he won the election and now we need to keep counting are few and far between but, nonetheless, let us rejoice in their pain.


Lindsay Graham 


Less than two hours after the Associated Press officially called the presidential election for Joe Biden, Republican Senator Lindsay Graham released a statement detailing his plans to dispute the results. “It is imperative that all credible allegations of voting irregularities and misconduct be investigated to ensure the integrity of the 2020 elections.”

Which is why we need to start working on the Georgia senate races real soon.  If Lindsay ain’t chairman, Lindsay has to shuddup the whining.


Newt Gingrich

Newt wants to stay in Italy with Calista, where she is ambassador to the Pope. You forgot she was even alive, didn’t you? That part was nice, but I doubt Catholic Joe will want to keep her there.


Steve Bannon

Twitter banned him and so did I. You’re very welcome.


Those Cheerful Folks at Breitbart.

Oh dear Lord.  What a mess.


I don’t look for this list to grow much.  Rumor has it that both Jared and Melania have told him to take his loss like a grown up.

Ain’t gonna happen.


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0 Comments to “Bonus Schadenfreude”

  1. My fervent hope is that we will someday find out what kind of “pee tape” equivalent Trump has on Miss Lindsay. It’s gotta be something real juicy to account for how far up Trump’s butt he’s got his head inserted.

  2. Karen in New Mexico says:

    So if the elections were corrupted by fraud and other misdeeds, wouldn’t the senate races that were decided for Republicans also be in question? Shouldn’t everything be recounted? Sit down Miss Lindsay and grab your pearls. We have to recount your race and it might take a few weeks.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Leningrad Lindsey shuffled a slimy $500,000 out of his campaign funds to one of Donnie’s defense funds. His donors should be furious, but apparently are not, don’t care or don’t know. Unclaimed campaign cash needs to be addressed in campaign reform. Or, maybe those campaign beg ads should have a disclaimer: your money may buy me a boat or be used to pay off a blackmailer. Wasn’t Lindsey the guy just a few years ago warning about the if dangers of one Donnie was elected?

    lol Was thinking more about the courts and legislation when eyeing those two GA Senate seats. Shutting up Leningrad Lindsey? Oh that’s gotta be worth finding some more spare cash to send to Stacie Abrams’ efforts to register voters and combat voter suppression in Georgia.…

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Latest news says Crookster Kushy job Jared has come to his senselessness and has taken back any idea of daddy-in- law conceding. He’s joined the Bannon, Limbaugh, Hannity, Giuliani, Lilly Graham club of nut cases.
    Can’t wait to see him the line of Trumpfster hangers on parading out the WH door. Many of them will be headed to court, but not the one they hoped for.

  5. Miss Linsay, Lizard and Ghouliani and the other enablers are fully tilting at windmills if they think there will be a reversal of the election.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    I bet Melania has already gotten quotes from a moving company and had private conversations with a divorce attorney. Probably the only thing left is to enroll her son in a new school come January.

  7. Lindsay Graham
    Newt Gingrich
    Steve Bannon

    Weren’t they in a movie once? Or alluded to? Oh, I think I remember the quote:

    “You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.”

  8. Oh, Lindsey, Lindsey, Lindsey.
    There’s nothing like a little undermining of democracy to get your juices flowing, is there? Where is John McCain when we need him?

    Actually, I was less than enamored with John McCain for the last 18 or so years of his life, to be honest.
    Ever since he closeted himself with a bunch of other Republicans and emerged with the definition of what did and did not constitute torture. Which, as luck would have it, was exactly what W. said it was. Wow. What a coincidence! If anyone would know better than to use torture for political gain, you’d think it would be John.

    But at least he knew how to keep Lindsey in check.

  9. The Surly Professor says:

    I love wallowing in schadenfreude. Slate has a whole slew of goodbye articles for the Trump parade:

    Start with the one for junior, if you only read one:

  10. Sandridge says:

    twocrows @8, Puleeese, twocrows, I’d damned rather not read of Oh Miss Lindsey and “juices flowing”, urk, if you please…

  11. Voter fraud? No election fraud investigations?

    The GOP seems determined to investigate and prosecute the retail while owning the wholesale. Florida? The USPS? Hmmm.

  12. “…all credible allegations…”
    Always the qualifier.

  13. Lindsey Graham, who begged for cash on Fox News, tells Sean Hannity he will give Trump $500,000

  14. AS we have learned repeatedly over the last several years, the old adage ‘Them that smelt it, dealt it…” Ms Graham is the first race I would look at for anything suspicious. McConnel, Graham and Cornyn all announced as Wonners within an hour of polls closing on Election Night. She needs to take her Rubles and shut up afore someone backtracks that money exchange…..IMHO

  15. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Voter Fraud Is Criminal, Lindsay? You’re quite right. That’s why you and some other GOP shouters have some ‘splainin’ to do. Because voter fraud is a Republican institution: you and others have been indulging in preventing citizens from voting, approving crooked voting machines, hacking voting machines, miscounting votes, “losing” ballots, involving the USPS in voter fraud, intimidating voters whose votes you don’t want, etc. I will double-dog bet you that if a truly independent investigative team could comb through this election, they’d find GOP voting fraud all over it. Wholesale, retail, direct and indirect.

    Have you in the Senate Judiciary Committee running the investigation? That’s fox in the henhouse territory.

  16. Damn! Anyone who listens to Lindsey is nuts and anyone who listens to that beat up old cretin Newtie Gingrich should stay locked in the attic!

  17. Opinionated Hussy says:

    If anybody knows about systematic corruption. it’s Newt.

    I have a friend who used to live in Newt’s district. He was known to walk into his polling place and announce, “I come, as I do every two years, to defeat the Prince of Darkness.” I gather he wasn’t thrown out beacause he didn’t name names.

  18. The Surly Professor:
    Great links. The one for Bill Barr is eye-opening.
    We all know the individual things. But the totality of all of them stated so succinctly is devastating.
