Bless Their Hearts

May 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The GOP is having a “Leadership Conference” next week in New Orleans.

It will feature amazing leaders like Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, Herman Cain, Liz Cheney, JC Watts & Erick Erickson.

Maybe I got confused.  Maybe it the “Quitter’s Conference.”

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Ted Cruz is going to speak on Saturday along with Rick Perry.  My bet?  They will snatch each other bald over this Presidential thing.  You can’t have two Presidents from Texas at the same time.  They know it.  You know it.  Somebody has flame-out.


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0 Comments to “Bless Their Hearts”

  1. Claude E Welch says:

    Jeb Bush, where art thou? Can’t really blame you for not associating with such an illustrious group. Or, maybe your “act of love” statement kept you off the invite list.

  2. Looks like a Who’s Who in losership. You add up all those combined IQ points and you almost have a hundred.

  3. Wow! I sure hope that someone gets a video of them all getting out of that little car.

  4. Tom Blue says:

    I can’t think of a nuttier, more extremist, more malevolent, more dishonest human being on the national stage than this collection of hucksters. This is the heart of mainstream Republican Party, right there. Oh, sure, there’s our friend Louie, but even Louie doesn’t measure up to this group of losers. Yet.

    Tell me again. Why would any rational, decent American citizen vote Republican? No really. I don’t get it.

  5. Sandridge says:

    Does the NRC (Nookclyeer Reg Comm, not that other one) know about this?

    With that much stU235pid coalescing onto such a small area, a critical mass/density threshold is likely to be crossed.
    Initiating a chain-reaction of stupendous stoopid and laying waste to miles of nearby land…oh wait, this will be broadcast, the stoopid will splatter everywhere.
    With catastrophic consequences for all nearby sentient beings (and non-sentients too, even plants and minerals are at risk). Absolute devastation, a very ‘dirty’ bomb, hazardous nookyleer…oops, no Herman, no…nookclyeer fallout lasting eons.
    Ionizing alpha, beta, gamma, and rhopublican radiation spewing forth, searing and disrupting any human minds in its vile reach. Truly an apocalyptic threat to the nation.
    We need to drop a Chernobyl-style concrete and steel sarcophagus over the venue and possibly seal all that stoopid in one place forever before it goes critical.

    New Orleans might be at more risk than with Hurricane Katrina.

  6. What’s amazing is that none of them represent “republican leadership” – Just a bunch of losers and wannabe’s hoping to keep sucking on the talking circuit teet.

  7. with GOD telling these tea baggers what to do what do they say when it turns out to be a real mistake (eg tax cuts) ? they then quote flip wilson: “the devil made me do it”

  8. I’m curious to see if it is as well attended as the last conference the Conservatives had, back row shot, please!

  9. Well, it is almost summer. I guess we should expect lame reruns.

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “leadership”?????? With that collection of air biscuits, crazy is the new norm. It’s a collection of the forgotten, or so we would hope.

    McCaughey is a real blast from the past. She coined the phrase ‘death panels’ which Palin later plagiarized. Old Betsy is Keesha with a NY accent, who also pretended to be both liberal and a Democrat.

  11. UmptyDump says:

    Okay, no Jeb Bush. Where’s Reince Priebus? Where’s John Boehner? Where’s Mitch McConnell? Where’s Chris Christie? Where’s Scott Walker? Where’s Lamar Alexander? Where’s Marco Rubio? Where’s John McCain? Where’s Rand Paul? Where’s Jeff Sessions? Where’s Eric Cantor? Where’s Paul Ryan? Where’s Mike Rogers? Where’s Mike Pence? Where’s John Kasich?

    By and large, the bozos pictured in the rogues gallery above cannot be characterized as Republican “leaders” by any stretch of the imagination. Okay, Perry is a governor, albeit a lame duck with no real political future except in his own imagination. Jindal is a “maybe” until the party bigots slip a banana peel under him. Most of the rest are out of office and don’t have the gravitas to pull a coaster wagon, and those who are in, like Cruz, have no chance of attaining leadership within places like the U.S. Senate. Leadership? The RNC should sue this motley mob for trademark violation.

  12. @Sandridge, I like your idea!

  13. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I’m not a person who wishes harm on others, even my worst enemy – not that I have any – but, I’m OK with wishing for some inconvenience.

    I wish there would be an outbreak of lice there. Or someone spreads itching powder on all the chairs. Or they’re served some bad shrimp and run out of toilet paper.

    Alternately, I see Ted Cruz getting really, really, bad gas while talking to God backstage, evacuating the entire ballroom.

    Rick Perry will take extra pain pills and talk to an empty chair while Donald Trump is sitting in it.

    Donald Trump will them tell everyone how smart & rich he is, reminding us all that he’ll never release his Wharton records or his financials.

    Sarah Palin, Liz Cheney & Michele Bachman will do a female version of the Three Stooges. Obviously, Liz is Moe.

    Rick Santorum will just stand onstage and cry. Wearing his pink & lavender, suit of course.

    Newt will just be selling his books. Or anything else he can make a buck off of.

    I hope we get video. I love a good laugh.

  14. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Actually, this group reminds me of old B Roll left on the cutting room floor.

  15. I am betting that at least one of them will drop out before the opening bell and they will gin up some sort of reason that might engender sympathy from the chorus. Something like, oh, (fill in the blank) said something he shouldn’t have said and for that reason I will not have any dealings with them on this occasion. Actually, that sounds too nice and rational. I just can’t wordsmith spittle into that statement.

  16. Republican Leadership Conference? That’s almost funny. There are no leaders in the GOP. Only losers.

  17. maryelle says:

    Tom Blue: I’ve been asking that same question for years. I’d be embarrassed to admit I was a Republican, let alone support any of the nitwits they trot out to run for office. You’d have to repudiate any ounce of knowledge, common sense and kindness to belong to that pack of mongrels. And the Democrats are in danger of losing the Senate?
    Gawd Amighty!

  18. What’s with the umbrella the elephant is holding in his trunk? Is the matching accoutrement for the George W. Bush socks they’ll all be wearing?

  19. What needs to be done is the day of the start of the event, a group of folks wearing hazmat suits should arrive and cordon off the venue. And if they’re asked why, explain that this has been declared a toxic waste spill, and that it’ll need to be cleaned up.

    I think Superfunds can be used for this…

  20. Zyxomma says:

    Betsy McCaughey
    is also known for eating only chicken. It made her feather-brained.

    Marsha Blackburn “made her bones” by asking Al Gore if he’d benefit from climate legislation. She also believes all abortions after 22 weeks must be illegal.

    No, not a leader among them, unless they regard their constituents as lemmings.

  21. And just when you think it can’t get any worse, they invite the Duck Dynasty bigot to speak.
