Bless My Heart: I Live in a Land 200 Years In The Past

September 01, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I told you people before that my homeland is backasswards and that I live in the America that Donald Trump wants to go back to.

Believe me, it ain’t that damn great.

Get this:  An assistant principal at one of our high schools called an assembly of juniors and told them that the reason boys get low grades because girls wear their dresses too tight.

Holy bygawd jumpin’ kumquat Jesus.  What the hell?

I want this assistant principal removed from the same zip code where there is any high school girl.  That guy has been having too many lewd thoughts about them.

Some of the students started recording him ….

Towards the end, he states, “Ladies, I still blame you all for boys’ low grades because of tight clothing.” Students confirmed that the audio started after Morgante made the initial comment about male students already having trouble studying and how the girls’ tight clothing only made it worse.

To the students’ credit, they recorded it and took to the Twitter machine:


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This kinda gives me faith in the next generation.  They seem to have left the crap behind.

Look, I know I haven’t gotten all my thank you notes out yet and I feel real bad about that.  And I know that I generally ask you to donate only once a year.  But, save a few dollars because if we lose my Democratic county commissioner, which looks like a strong possibility because it’s a Republican district, we are totally screwed.  He is our thin donkey-blue line. National Democrats are not sending even one penny into Texas and are using us as an ATM machine.  Local Republicans here have wisely dropped Trump and are pouring everything into this race.

So, next week, I’ll have an opportunity to sell you something for Commissioner Richard Morrison.  You’ll need either $5 or $25.

Thanks to Kris for the heads up.

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