Bill O’Reilly Has Children? That’s Just Creepy.
Okay, so come to find out, Bill O’Reilly is being accused of assault against his newly-ex wife.
O’Reilly says it’s not true but …
I am going to respect the court-mandated confidentiality put in place to protect my children and will not comment any further,” he said.
Kinda reminds me of his 2004 sexual harassment lawsuit settled out of court because he can’t discuss that one either.
Okay, so it’s horrible of me to assume that a hot-tempered, misogynistic, controlling man like O’Reilly is the kind of person who would do that but I’ve come to … quack, quack, quack. Look! A duck!
Their 2011 divorce, leading to a custody dispute that wrapped up three weeks ago, resulted in McPhilmy winning custody of their two minor children.
Yeah, well, and that. I’d say that’s good news but I doubt any woman who would marry O’Reilly has any business raising children.