Bible Thumpers Pissed that Others have Rights, Too

June 15, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Steeple People

The Washington Post is reporting this afternoon that Christian conservatives are “rattled” that the Supreme Court dared to rule in favor of equality for everyone, even transexual and gay people.  At first I thought I was reading a headline from The Onion, and did a double take when I realized it was the Washington Post.  All the usual bible thumpers were quoted as shocked that their “religious freedom” to persecute others was being “eroded”.

This is the goddam 21st century, and we still have to put up with people who give themselves a wedgy when other people are acknowledged to have the same rights as their own dumb asses have?  Lord a’Mercy, give me patience. Oh, and BTW, I was actually shocked that it was a 6-3 decision with Gorsuch voting along with Roberts and Normal Judges to lock in that strong majority.  It must be a head fake for something really bad coming down the line, but I’ll take a victory when we can get it.

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