
July 12, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s so rarely any Democratic good news in Texas that we kinda set the dumpster on fire when we get some.

Today’s dumpster is Ted Cruz.

Even though Ted was cheating like sumbitch, Democratic senatorial candidate Beto O’Rouke more than doubled Cruz’s fundraising this quarter. Beto raised $10.4 million to Cruz’s $4 million.

And this becomes even more impressive when you consider that Beto takes no PAC money – not even a dime.

Also, Beto proposed a debate in Spanish between the two men. Cruz declined, saying he wasn’t all that secure in his Spanish speaking lying.

Hey, maybe Cruz will challenge Beto to a debate in Canadian.


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0 Comments to “Beto!”

  1. In what does Rafael speak? Sounds more like dumba$$ than English or Canadian or even Spanish to me.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Micr, Daffy Raffy speaks covfefe along with his Orange Foolius leader and other wannabe Russian oligarchs/Congress varmints. Dumba$$ is one of the many dialects of covfefe as are dog whistle, bullhorn and bull$hit. More broadly it’s also known as the tongue of lying verbal gymnastics characterized by tongues thoroughly knotted by the rope of their own lies, yet their sounds are not impeded. Some consider it to be the precursor for communicating with life forms on other planets, if only the communication failure(s) of covfefe could be overcome.

  3. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Canadian language debate? I can’t imagine Ted Cruz speaking French!

  4. I imagine Rafael speaking “weasel”.

  5. Just hope that Beto’s superior fundraising turns into a win in November.

  6. Beto:
    Would you debate me in a box?
    Would you debate me live on Fox?

    Not in a box. Not live on Fox.
    Not in the House. You nagging louse.
    I will not debate you here or there.
    I will not debate you anywhere.
    You cannot put in me a fork.
    Go away, away Beto O’Rourk!

  7. …sorry… sorry… gotta get this right, Texas style:

    You cannot STICK in me a fork
    Go away, away Beto O’Rourk!

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Rick +10!

    Ed, if the red state Dems up for re-election hold their seats with O’Rourke defeating Crooze and Jacky Rosen possible to defeat Heller in NV, there’s hope. Anything to unseat *itch McConnell as Majority Leader so legislation can move forward in the Senate. There are bills with bi-partisan support which could pass, if *itch was not such an obstructionist POS.

    AZ peeps, any hope of Dems flipping Flake’s seat? BTW Kudos and best wishes to Senator McCain in his battle with cancer. Have often disagreed vociferously with him on policy over the years, but must credit him as the last Republican with a pair, heart, soul and the good conscience to place country over party. A lesser man would have resigned his seat to allow one of the circling opportunistic vultures incumbency status. The man continues to be a hero by denying his votes to Donnie & Mitch. Well played, Senator. Thank you.

  9. @Rick

    Greatness! We are so unworthy …

    Consider it stolen! 🙂

  10. maryelle says:

    Rick, Dr. Seuss would be proud!
    Jane & PKM, agreed on your estimation of John McCain.
    He also refuses to allow Trump to attend his funeral.
    I remember a scenario when McCain was running for Prez against Obama. The Rethugs were making a big deal about his middle name, Hussein, implying that he was a Muslim terrorist.
    One very frightened woman at a McCain town hall, asked him if Obama was actually a terrorist. McCain reassured her that he was a good and decent man, countering the Rethug PR machine on camera. McCain was a good and decent man. One of the last in the Republican Party!

  11. So The Golden Gibbon is not allowed to attend the funeral? Good for you, McCain! However, after the way the GG behaves, here and elsewhere such as at the NATO meeting, I would bet money he tried to crash the funeral. It would be his version of class.

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    maryelle, my family has a long history of being Independents before frightened ballless snacilbupers ran from the idiocy of Donnie and coopted our good name as Independents. I was too young at the time to vote, but many in my family crossed party lines in the Dubya v McCain primary to register Republican to vote for Senator McCain. While as Independents we vote Democratic, we’ve been significantly concerned to have voted for Hilz despite legitimate reservations, during the Democratic 2016 primary.

    As a family we are Due Process and equality people who rejected the Dixiecrats. But in the age of Donnie, we are full aligned with Democrats, if you will accept us. Better us as Democrats than Kim Davis who didn’t receive the word that the snacilbupeR defected and didn’t send, or she didn’t understand she is OUT as a Democrat.

    maggie, is there anyone lower than a political schlub who would crash a wedding or funeral? Poor Donnie. No invite to a royal wedding and now he’s not welcome to perhaps one of our greatest war heroes funeral. Dude be rude and those who support him are insane.

  13. It is good news but for GREAT news go look at MJ Hegar’s report. $1.1 Million clams. She is showing Carter the door and flipping the DeeCee house. Go give her some help.

  14. It’s all going to come down to turnout. If I had the cash, I would fly to TX (after voting in NYC) and DRAG Democrats and Independents to the polls. GET OUT AND VOTE, TX. Do it for yourselves, your kids, your parents, your FUTURE.

  15. I have 2 nieces and their hubs in Houston. One just had twins so I’ll give them a month before checking up on them to see how involved they are politically. I don’t have to ask to know they are totally repulsed by pres Child Abuser.

    Both are Very Christian. I mean real Christian, probably been doing all they can to help the families showing up at McAllen. They might be worried for themselves too. Their father was Mexican. One has adopted two Mexican siblings. That bastard better not try to mess with them! Grrrrrrrr.

  16. Maryelle/Maggie – unfortunately, to be effective McCain would have to disinvite Pence, because that’s who’s the official funeral-goer in this benighted administration.

    If anyone wants to know, Mike Pence is not welcome at my funeral, either.


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