Best News I’ve Heard All Month

April 12, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I was talking to Pam last night and she said, “If Democrats retake the House and they elect Steny Hoyer  (a 79 year old Democrat from Maryland who has served for 40 years) as Speaker of the House, I’m gonna just say screw ‘um.”

It appears that Hoyer is “next in line” to be speaker.  But Pam ain’t the only one with concerns about another old white man.  I tend to agree.  Hoyer is also way too conservative for my taste.

I want a fire breathing liberal.  When Republicans call us liberals, I want it to be bygawd right!

I discovered this morning, that some congressmen are thinking along the same lines.

That’s a good sign.


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