Before I Forget

June 20, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Be nice to yourself and bookmark this story from the Miami Herald for some fun weekend reading.  It’s long but it’s a classic story of what happens when steeple people and politicians get too much money.



It’s worth your time.  You’ll be mumbling “oh no he di’int” throughout the story.

And then read another part of the same story in the New York Times.



The only fun part is that it appears Ted Cruz got screwed in the deal.

Enjoy! Free entertainment.

Thanks to Deb T. and Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Before I Forget”

  1. NicaBrian says:

    An earlier Falwell related story. Of course after it was reported Falwell said he didn’t even know him, he was just the pool boy.

  2. AK Lynne says:

    The New York Times, Miami Herald, Washington Post, et all, have paywalls. I’d go broke if every time I wanted to read one article, I had to subscribe. I hate missing these good links, but I guess I’ll survive.

  3. AK Lynne says:

    …er, et al, not et all. Hate it when I do that.

  4. The Miami Herald story came right up for me. And it’s worth a read. The whole thing stinks like yesterday’s diapers.

  5. The Surly Professor says:

    AK Lynne@2: I’m a cantankerous old fellow who runs only Unix systems at home and in my labs. Also I use only Firefox (or sometimes a text-based browser), so my advice may not work for you. However: I set my browser to delete all cookies, caches, and LSOs (long-term storage objects) whenever I shut it down. I also use the tool you get from history -> clear recent history and set the time range to be “everything”. Under the “privacy and security” tab, I also block cookies from unvisited sites and trackers.

    I’ve installed uBlock origin, NoScript, and Ghostery as extensions. All of that paranoia seems to lead to NYT et al not throwing up a paywall block. Some sites will give a warning of “this is one of three free lookies you get for this month, click here to send us money”. But the next day it is still “one of three”.

    I don’t know if this will work for you or not. I also do some other tricks to block tracking, but those probably are not relevant to the newspaper sites, and border on the bat-guano mentally unbalanced territory. However, if you find that some site you absolutely need to access is blocked by the above, all of the extensions and settings have the ability to add sites to a “whitelist”.

    The only site that does block me is the Dallas Morning News, or whatever it is called now. But I never read it when I lived in Texas, and see no reason to take up that nasty habit now.
