Because People Weren’t Dying Fast Enough UPDATE

March 02, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has thrown out the mask mandate.

Yeah, it was working too well and all the scientists said not to do it.

He did it.  Starts next week.


UPDATE – he did it now to have it mask-free for college and public school spring break.  College break starts March 8th and March 15th is public schools.  Also, can’t miss St Patrick’s Day.


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0 Comments to “Because People Weren’t Dying Fast Enough UPDATE”

  1. I call him A-Butt because he acts like one every chance he gets.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Sorry for you Texans that frequent the WMDBS. It’s going to be a long year I’m afraid. Also read Texas has one of the lowest Covid vaccine rates. Bad combination. Has he had it yet (Covid)?
    Also read he announced this unmandate in a tweet about his approval ratings. Guess that’s more important to him than your health, Texas.

  3. Wyatt_Earl says:

    He needs to change the subject from the power/water issues.

  4. What Wyatt said. This will change the subject from his ERCOT and PUC appointments.

    Guess we will be even more reclusive. Our weekly outing consist of going to the grocery store. Curbside from HEB here we come again.

  5. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Abbott’s not the only idiot who wants people to die. The Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans is telling people to avoid the (highly effective single-dose) Johnson & Johnson vaccine because it’s “morally compromised.” Production involves cloned cells from a fetus aborted in the 1970s. No fetuses were harmed since then in the making of this vaccine. Nevertheless there’s a bishop in Tyler, Texas, telling Catholics not to get any of the three vaccines, no matter what the pope says.

    What planet do these people live on?

  6. Teh Gerg says:

    What does Texas look for in governors? The lowest possible IQ? Total inability to see the bloody obvious? Nut cases committed to lowering the state’s population?

  7. El Jefe says:

    From a doctor friend:

    March 2, 2021 – CovidTimes
    *We all know* what we should and must do to prevent the spread, mitigate against and contain the SARS CoV2 virus and its rapidly emerging, highly transmissable variants.
    You know, I know, and our elected officials know.
    GOP Texas Governor Greg Abbott KNOWS.
    I cannot stress how dangerous, reckless, self-serving, callous, willfully negligent and scientifically inappropriate GOP Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s decision to end all Texas Covid-19 mandates is.
    Please be aware that he is NOT listening to the medical and public health experts at every single level or acting in your best interests or that of your loved ones – his constituents.
    Instead, GOP Texas Governor #GregAbbott is willfully aiding and abetting the resurgence of this horrendous plague solely to gain favorable ratings, score political points and *divert attention from his complicity and complete failure with regard to other catastrophes.*
    Looking right at YOU:
    GOP Texas Gov. #GregAbbott
    GOP Texas Sen. #TedCruz
    GOP Texas Sen. #JohnCornyn
    GOP Texas Rep. #DanCrenshaw
    #GOP #RPT #VoteThemOut
    ➡️Hold your elected officials accountable!
    Please, Texans- I am begging you to:
    #TrustScience #ListenToTheExperts
    •MASK UP
    •NO BARS
    •NO GYMS
    Listen to the experts:
    Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Rachel Wollensky, Your Local Epidemiologist, aka Katelyn Jetelina and please PLEASE remain cautious and vigilant!

  8. weakgrip says:

    trying to keep up with the South Dakota governor, who poled well at CPAC

  9. Ever notice how willing Republicans are to have others die for FreeDumb?

  10. A friend called him Dr. Strangegov.

  11. G Foresight says:

    Plague Greg wants TX as #1.

    “Texas is #2 in Covid deaths over last seven days”

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    WOW to the update for spring break! Unbelievable even for abbott. Believe DeSantis already has the unmask mandate. Maybe many Texas spring breakers will go to Florida. This is not going to end well for abbott. States that are not like minded should invoke travel bans from Texas.

  13. Grandma Ada says:

    And he did it in Lubbock which has had a terrible time with the virus! He would have been run out of town had he done it in Houston!

  14. I too immediately thought that this announcement takes the power fiasco off of the front pages and that the timing is also due to Spring Break.

  15. lazrgrl says:

    I really, really don’t understand this mask thing. Years ago I remember seeing Asian kids (mostly) on the Boston subway wearing masks. In Tokyo and Shanghai in 2017 masks were common and it occurred to me that breathing in other peoples exhalations probably isn’t a good idea especially in crowds. Good luck Texas.

  16. SteveTheReturned says:

    Looking forward to Dan Patrick’s smarmy statement of support for this unspeakably stupid public health move. The deaths resulting from this idiocy should be recorded at the entrance to the governor’s mansion.

  17. Sharon - I'm so confoosed says:

    My dad gets his second shot this week and I get my first tomorrow. I’ll still be wearing masks for another year. Our governor is an idiot. But hey at least I have water and electricity… for now

  18. john in denver says:

    weakgrip @9 … re: “the South Dakota governor, who poled well at CPAC”

    Survey preferences: Trump, then DeSantis, then Noem. Good news is that CPAC straw polls are not particularly relevant to actual outcomes. Trump and Noem each have ethical “controversies” — aka potentially illegal actions.

    I am hoping for a “wide open” Republican pie fight over the nomination. Right now, the leading personalities seem to be those with dubious characteristics, all trying to run in the same lane.

    And I had to stop and think about how Noem might have poled … in a gondola? trying to make a vault? Inside front row position for a race?

  19. By the time the end of the legislative session rolls around, case numbers should be pretty high. So, that will get all the attention in the press, such that no one will notice that the lege didn’t do anything about fixing the electrical grid.

    The NSDAP, excuse me, the NSGOP presumes that Texans will have forgotten about power outages by the time the 2022 election rolls around. Sadly, Texas voters will probably confirm the correctness of their presumption.

  20. Debbo r says:

    In addition, a couple NCAA tournaments begin in 2 weeks.

    The women’s basketball tournament will be in San Antonio. I don’t remember the other one, but we’re talking thousands of athletes, coaches, staff, parents, etc. They planned to allow a certain number of spectators, but will probably have to drastically reduce or totally drop that. I’m sure the schools and families are very grateful to A-butt for his timely health digression.

  21. Who was that masked man?
    Someone with intelligence.

  22. megasoid says:

    Tuesday, March 02, 2021 Chris Hedges

    Headline: The Age of Social Murder

    Edit: The science that shows that a failure to halt carbon emissions will lead to a climate crisis and ultimately the extinction of the human species and most other species is known to the ruling elites. They cannot claim ignorance. Only indifference.

  23. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Can we start a hashtag of #AssholeAbbott? #AsinineAbbott? #AssassinAbbott? #KillerAbbott isn’t alliterative, but it’s accurate.

  24. Update: According to his appearance on Fox this morning, he’s going to blame the increase in Covid cases on the illegal immigrants that Biden is releasing into the community.
