Because It’s The Truth, Dammit!
Y’all, where would this country, nay this world, be without Geraldo Rivera? There, right there, is a man who seeks out the truth and speaks it.
So, here’s the headline:
Geraldo explains – some of his verbal bursts are admissions of Trump’s guilt so watch closely —
“In Nixon’s case, if he had someone that stuck up for him, he wouldn’t have been motivated to cover up that burglary, he would’ve let the perpetrators get their just desserts,” added Mr. Rivera.
So, he’s admitting that the underlying crime is about the same, but that Trump doesn’t have to do a cover-up because – ta da! – he has Sean Hannity and Sean Hannity alone on his side, which, coincidentally, is exactly same reason why Tump is having to do a cover-up.
Here’s the best part:
“Everything you say is absolutely true,” Mr. Rivera responded, “But watching your show and watching your producers work and seeing these packages where you put the lie exactly to what they’re saying — who else is doing that? The nation is being fed this constant stream of propaganda and impeachment. Some of these people have been calling for his impeachment from the microsecond he was elected. This is an absolute all-out war. This is politics by another name. This is warfare directed at the president, and they won’t give him a breath of air. You’ve got to watch his back.”
Geraldo isn’t getting laid enough.