Because If Anybody is Discriminated Against, It’s White Republican Christians

March 28, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Christians own the franchise on the right to discriminate.  By God, they can hate whoever the damn Prince of Peace tells them is inferior.


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Republican Governor Nathan Deal apparently didn’t get baptized in deep enough water because he’s vetoing a bill that legalizes discrimination but only if you’re a Christian.

Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal on Monday said he will veto legislation shielding opponents of same-sex marriage, after a groundswell of opposition from companies threatening to boycott the state if it became law.

The Republican announced his decision during a news conference in his office at the Georgia Capitol, saying, “I have examined the protections that this bill proposes to provide to the faith based community and I can find no examples of any of those circumstances occurring in our state.”

So, it wasn’t out of the goodness of his heart.  Deal operates like any other Republican – you gotta threaten his pocketbook.

Thanks to John for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Because If Anybody is Discriminated Against, It’s White Republican Christians”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Oh noes! Without that law what will stop the hordes of gays descending on Georgia to marry off all those pasty white old fat boys? Oh wait. Gays have better sense and taste than to abscond with Cletus.

  2. maryelle says:

    Money talks and in this case shouted. That’s the bottom line for the RKlan

  3. And GA is still one of 28 states where you can be fired or lose your home, and probably your kids, because you’re gay. Oh, but those are “special privileges”, right?

    Can’t remember where I saw this link, so apologies if it’s a duplicate, and Mama probably shouldn’t read this account of how the gay-marriage law destroyed this couple’s straight marriage (shock horror!):

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, if that isn’t satire, you’re scaring me. Next thing I know, since there is a Planned Parenthood facility in our county, they’ll be rounding me up for an abortion. What is a straight white male to do in these crazy times? 😉

  5. I have noticed that short term value trumps family/religious values ever time with these guys.

    Note that too many people simply do not understand the proper definition of the word discriminate. A white Repub Kristian is discriminated against whenever they are not allowed to impose their religious values on other people.

    That is why it has been decreed that corporations, which have no genitals, are entitled to make contraceptive decisions for women, who do.

  6. Oops. That was supposed to be “short term profits,” not value.

    I’m just getting over a really bad head cold and my IQ has diminished to the point where it’s barely above that of a mainstream Repub.

  7. daChipster says:

    It’s not the depth of the water that makes a better Christian. It’s how long they hold him under.

  8. e platypus onion says:

    So Deliverance was fiction and hillbillies don’t bugger the Ned Beatty’s of the world? Don’t even make ’em squeal like pigs?

  9. e platypus onion says:

    I’m afeered it is satire,Rhea. Related Articles

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  10. I live in GA, and I’m glad Deal decided to veto this bill. This is “undiscovered country” for him because he usually rubber-stamps everything the majority party GOP/TPers in the General Assembly send him, and he’s was very reticent in his first term in standing up for all Georgians. I’m not so gullible as to not know why he’s vetoing this bill. He’s doing what GOP/TP lawmakers do in cases like this one—he’s choosing money over party loyalty. It wouldn’t surprise me to read a bit later that GOP/TPers are counting votes in the General Assembly in an effort to determine whether they have enough to override his veto. The Atlanta Journal Constitution article mentions that this veto has created more friction between Deal and lawmakers. If this is true, maybe we’ll see Deal finally feeling free enough to actually govern in the best interests of the state and its citizens and not in the best interests of the GOP/TP and corporations. One can wish, and hope.

  11. We were thinking of taking a vacation to a southern state.
    Well, NC passed their on version of the hate bill.
    So I wrote the chamber of commerce an email and the Gov. And explained that we would not be visiting their state du to the enacted hate law.
    They lost our business. Nor will I willingly buy products from that state.

  12. Tilphousia says:

    Anyone surprised? Not I certainly. Greed IS the religion of the GOP. Anything threatening their wallets is quickly vetoed, or gotten rid of. And then they lie about it. Those people haven’t been Christians for over 200 years. Just evil hateful racist bigots.

  13. @Diane

    Honestly a bill such as described is just one more reason to NOT do business in South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee. And in terms of full disclosure, I was born in and live in Texas. This is not a source of pride, more a sense of resignation.

  14. PKM and e platypus, well, yes, I was assuming it was satire. Granted, it’s often hard to tell these days, but the book club turning into a spontaneous lesbian orgy seemed a bit improbable, at least going by the lesbians I know.

  15. As a Georgian who now lives in Alabama (how lucky can a girl get?), I can tell you that the ONLY reason that Deal vetoed this is because every big business from Disney to the NFL threatened to boycott the state if this bit of stupidity passed into law. Deal may love his TP-ers and GOP-ers but Atlanta doesn’t exist without the big bucks that come with the economic behemoths that said they would sever ties with the state.

    Chik-Fil-a just can’t sell enough chicken nuggets to make up the difference.

  16. LynnN, you’re right: short-term profits override just about anything with the snacilpuber. If they figured out the cost of unwanted babies over their lifetimes, those jerks would stop their anti-woman chants and start *encouraging* abortion to keep so many unwanted, impoverished babies from being born. But that would require actually thinking. I was going to say, “thinking beyond the short term,” but that’s a stretch.

    Micr, I feel your pain…

  17. The Irreligious RWNJ love their short term prophets who make up the best stories, er, religions. How many think that some of the mentioned group believe every word of that “National Report” story is real and the eternal Word uh God!?

    The Irreligious RWNJs’ most sacred religious icon looks like this:

  18. It looks like the emojis didn’t show up, so I’ll include this much simpler example: $$$$$$$

  19. Snopes lists the National Report as a “fake news” site. In fact, it’s the first one on their list. Most of the articles in the National Report are clearly satire; that’s not true of all the sites on the list.

  20. @Origuy

    You saying “Obama Nominates Judy Garland to Supreme Court Just To See If Anyone’s Paying Attention” ain’t true??? Rot row! Pardon me I got some un-posting to do. BRB. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  21. Hollyanna says:

    Turns out Gov. Deal’s worship of Mammon trumps all other considerations.

  22. @ Micr

    I don’t do business in several other states, this is just the latest that I have notified.
    I wonder how the Chambers would react if they got several thousand emails stating, no travel or business to your state!

  23. With the white xtian males being unable to beat up people they don’t like…err…sorry being discriminated against it make me glad I’m in the Triangle Area of Raleigh as this is a northern encampment in NC.

  24. At least GA will most likely escape being sued and ending up in the Supreme Court. Now, NC on the other hand got a law that has a surprise for everybody. You have to read the entire bill to discover that a business cannot violate the existing minimum wage as in exceeding it for any reason, that the Equal Opportunity law won’t protect you and you can’t sue on the basis of discrimination or whatever. Certain governmental units are exempted, but the rest of the world ain’t. This goes so far as to impose wage limits on contractors. In that case, how the bleep can they hire the really good professional help they need to full fill a contract, especially if the contract is with the state government? the copy I got from the state website is full of edits and cross outs which does not make for an easy read. This is definitely head to D.C.

  25. Opinionated says:

    Majiir – I knew Deal back in the day and believe me, this doesn’t signal anything about his future behavior in the best interests of anyone other than his cronies. I’d say more, but Mama might be reading this, and I dislike the taste of Ivory soap.

    As for my adopted state of NC, there is no redress other than the Federal government….for now. Come November, we’ll get these asshats out of office and take our progressive state back.

  26. e platypus onion says:

    The National has a pic of Cruz and Caribou Barbie and then claims to be independent? Okay.

  27. maryelle says:

    To quote the Gov, “…I can find no such examples of any of those occurances happening in my state.” Sounds similar to in-person voter fraud. And he didn’t want to be boycotted by hollywood, Disney and host of other$. Let’s get this boycott thing going against voter ID laws too!
