Because, After All, He’s Only the President
John Boehner is a jerk. Seriously. A self-important, blowhard jerk.
Now this morning we’re going to look at pure raw unadulterated hot off the presses illogical fanaticism.
When questioned by Mike Wallace about why Boehner invited Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to congress, and in essence deliver a political speech for his re-election back home where his poll numbers are suffering (he has a 38% approval rating at home), Boehner replies thusly …
Wallace then pointed out that Boehner asked Ron Dermer, Israel’s ambassador to the U.S., not to tell the White House about the joint meeting with Netanyahu.
“Why would you do that?” Wallace asked.
“Because I wanted to make sure that there was no interference. There’s no secret here in Washington about the animosity that this White House has for Prime Minister Netanyahu. I frankly didn’t want that getting in the way, quashing what I thought was a real opportunity,” Boehner responded.
He did not want the President to interfere. In an opportunity.
An opportunity for what? To make the President look bad?