Fox News Bombs

February 15, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Randolph Linn lives in Ohio, drinks beer, and watches Fox News.

Last September he set off a bomb in a mosque prayer room.  And he’s still damn proud of it.

In court on Wednesday, Linn plead guilty to the arson charge. He said that he had gotten “riled up” watching Fox News, according to the Sentinel-Tribune, and drank 45 beers in seven hours before heading to the mosque.

When people get riled up by MSNBC, they go plant a tree or feed some homeless people.

And there ya have it.

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0 Comments to “Fox News Bombs”

  1. How could he drink 45 beers and still be able to walk to his car? Or, count the cans?

  2. This is the insidious effect of spreading misinformation, fear and hate. FOX should be named co-defendant.

  3. I couldn’t drink 45 root beers in 7 hours.

    Fox doesn’t say “Go out and commit arson and murder,” but it certainly feeds the fear and anger of people already leaning that way. It’s like handing a gun to angry man and saying, “Here, go ahead,” except that in America the angry men already have guns.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    When will Fox Noise be indicted as a co-conspirator in the many of their hate inspired hate crimes?

    Go drink 45 beers, then run over me with a vehicle that has a design defect. The manufacturer of the vehicle would still be assigned a proportion of liability in most states.

  5. The only thing that surprises me is that the bomb didn’t go off in his garage. He has the IQ of a FOX viewer and consumed 45 beers? How on earth did he make it to the mosque with an explosive device.

  6. Corinne Sabo says:

    Liquor & Fox News go together like dynamite & boom.

  7. I hate faux news!!! BUT… I don’t think they can hold them co-responsible. Cuz if they can then why can’t every xtian church be held so???
    And besides faux news is pretty bad but unless you are out right crazy there is no way you can believe the crap they dribble from their blond heads. So besides plastered, this dude is crazy!!!

  8. I’ve wondered occasionally when a bar was sued for serving a drunk guy, which is a violation of the liquor laws in many states, how long it would take victims to civilly sue the bar. Likewise when Fox News bombards low functioning viewers with constant hate speech and one acts on the hate speech, where is the civil suit?

  9. When King Henry II snarled “Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest!” in hearing of some of his men at arms, Thomas Becket got murdered in a cathedral. Henry #2 swore he did not mean it and it was not an order to anyone. He was just irritated no end that his good old buddy, Tom, had turned into a man of principle and integrity, by damn gosh! But King person did get a penance put upon his self and he did what was ordered by the Church. Didn’t like it one damn bit but it did kind of curb him of shooting his damn mouth off in front of very impressionable people. Anybody get that last part about impressionable people?

  10. maggie, I may agree with the Henry II analogy but I’ve never liked Becket. His high principle was that churchmen could be tried only by the church… which effectively meant that some priests and monks were getting away with theft, rape, and murder. Henry was very keen on justice and wanted these scumbags not to be protected just because they’d taken vows. That was the chief dispute between Henry and Thomas Becket.

  11. Marge Wood says:

    Just thinking about 45 beers makes me….oops, gotta run.

  12. If I consumed 45 beers in seven hours and didn’t die from alcohol poisoning I probably would be stupid enough to do something stupid. That all being said, whatever good or evil exists already exists inside of us. Alcohol or bad “news” stations may enhance it, but it’s already there.

  13. @Scott
    Ahh the Gospel according to the Eagles/Jack Tempchin…
    “… can’t take you anywhere
    You don’t already know how to go.”

  14. Micr,

    Don’t get me wrong, those that purposely peddle lies are evil. I just think it is way too convenient an excuse for those that commit evil deeds.

  15. This happened back in 2012. In April 2013 a federal judge affirmed a plea agreement that sentenced him to 20 years and also ordered payment of $1.4 million for setting the fire. Gotta make a lot of license plates to pay for that.

  16. quit calling it fox NEWS

  17. Wow, it’s very surprising that this guy didn’t just become a ‘Gas explosion’ himself – after drinking 45 beers. Seems there should have been enough bubbles in that much to cause a little intestinal distress…..whoosh!!!

  18. The mind reels.

  19. If I drank 45 beers I’d be too busy to leave home. Watching Democracy Now! will get someone riled up too.
