Baby, That’s Cold

January 28, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We have recently discovered that Air Force One has five “chillers” (refrigerators) on board, with each one having 70 square feet of storage space.  Your average home refrigerator has about 20 cubic feet of storage.

Two of them apparently need replacing.  The cost?  $24 million.  Dollars. Taxpayer money.

Honey, for that much money, they better not be able to tweet on their own.

It remains unclear if both airplanes that serve as Air Force One need their chillers replaced.  That would double the cost.

Eric Schultz, a former senior adviser to Barack Obama, reacted to the news by tweeting that “we would have been impeached” if the previous administration had carried out such an upgrade to Air Force One.

No kidding.



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0 Comments to “Baby, That’s Cold”

  1. Streganonna says:

    I had read this. Unbelievable.

  2. Unbelievable, yes. Factual, also yes. Recall all those parts for our battleships etc. with ghastly high price tags. The $500 hammers. The $600 toilet seats. Inasmuch as Air Force One is a flying house, it is understood that it would not take the usual under the counter chiller you can buy at a brick and mortar outfit. With this price tag, I would bet they are big enough to carry home a filled body bag. Now there’s a thought!

  3. the replacement jets have been purchased and are in the process of being modified but won’t be ready until 2024


  4. Methinks Mr. Shultz has a flair for understatement. If Sean Hannity got hold of a plan to spend millions replacing what are obviously body bag coolers (thanks Maggie!), the frothing at the mouth would’ve been Ca-Raaazy. I mean seriously, Alex Jones is probably cooking up the REAL story right now about how the current administration just could no longer cover up for eight years of the Obama/FBI/Deep State program of using Air Force One to transport the victims of the Kenyan/Socialist death squads spreading Satanism all through the Midwest. I mean, who y’all gonna believe here, the good folks at Infowars, are the dirty fake news from a rag like the Washington Post?

  5. Would someone please calculate how much 70 cubic feet, times 5 refrigerators, comes out to in cans of Diet Coke?

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Screw hot meals and cold drinks for Donnie. He loves the military, so stock his ride with MREs. Lyin’ Ryan and McMuddle love to tout their fiscal conservatism. Let them focus on stealing food from Dotard45 the biggest whiny baby on the planet instead of innocent children.

  7. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    I haven’t seen the volume figures, but it’s not possible to compare square feet and cubic feet. They are different dimensions. I’m not sure this has anything to do with Obama vs Trump; it’s not like they’re just buying something on a whim. They’re replacing existing equipment that is wearing out. As much as I detest Trump, I don’t think this is a valid complaint against him. There are plenty of far more serious ones.

  8. I think $24 million is a valid complaint, although I’d agree it’s way down the list.

    A brand new 737 commercial airliner (with fridges) costs $51.5 million. Unless those new Air Force 1 refrigerators are nuclear hardened, with air filtration systems, and escape pod capabilities so Donnie can crawl inside one if necessary to eject from the plane, it just doesn’t cost that much for 5 fridges unless a TrumpCorp subcontractor is doing the work.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Rick, wait a minute. “escape pod capabilities so Donnie can crawl inside one if necessary to eject from the plane” – don’t tempt me with making this expense tenable. Fire away! Yeah, I could really get behind that concept.

    Mah Fellow Murkuhn, please correct me if I’m wrong. But isn’t there a new AF1 in production? That would certainly make retrofitting the current one(s) an even sillier waste of money.

    Hey Donnie remember the recent CHIP or DACA, not both CR? How about this, your taxpayer financed golf trips or pimping out your ride, not both, you mooching loser.

  10. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    The new AF1 isn’t a sure thing yet. It remains to be seen. Keep in mind that the chillers have to keep 3000 meals frozen, ready to eat. That takes space, and it has to be reliable. There are foreseeable circumstances under which AF1 couldn’t land for days, and it has a lot of people on board. It’s easy enough to refuel indefinitely from tankers while flying, but the refueling hoses can’t transfer food. And I still maintain that none of this is Trump’s doing, just as it would not have been Hillary’s doing. This isn’t something the President or his staff decides, it’s the USAF’s responsibility.

  11. There are foreseeable circumstances under which AF1 couldn’t land for days…

    Should that ever happen we’ll be paying to install a McDonald’s franchise on board.

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    Pity the pilot of the refueling craft and his fighter escort pilots. Choices, choices, choices … for the love of country do we refuel it or shoot it down. Not an easy choice knowing one of our own is aboard flying AF1.

  13. It would be interesting to find out what company gave that bid, if any other companies were allowed to bid for it, and, if approved, who approved it. And then again, how much of the $24 million would be diverted for other, more covert purposes.

  14. Ellen Childress says:

    Sounds to me like Mr. Trump not only does not like people from other countries, he doesn’t like their food either. He should be required to eat whatever is available in any place his plane goes and restock the plane with that food. Phooey ! I am fed up with his peculiar eating habits as well as a lot of other bad habits.

  15. Mah Fellow Murkuhn, I think they should “support the troops” with more than spoken word and stock AF1 with MREs instead of frozen food. Just think of how much that would save. And, unless someone(s) decide poison the paranoid president* roulette is a good idea he would be theoretically be safe from food contamination of which he is so afraid.

    OT. Why is he so afraid of being poisoned? I’ve not seen this question asked in the MSM. Is there something we should know about?

  16. WA Skeptic says:

    This is a bunch of bull. I cannot find the words to adequately describe my contempt for this action or this Traitor of a Trump.

    He knows as well as we do that he’ll never need to use that much frozen food.

    Screw him. (Sorry, Mama)
