Answer Me This

December 31, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump Attorney Lin Wood, of Plenty of Perjury fame, has a new target – Chief Justice John Roberts.  He took to Twitter to attack Roberts.  He asked two questions and this is how I would answer them if I were Roberts.

“You are recorded discussing Justice Scalia’s successor before date of his sudden death,” said Wood. “How did you know Scalia was going to die?”

I knew he was going to die because there is no such thing as eternal life.

For good measure, Wood also threw in allegations based on the QAnon hoax: “Are you a member of any club or cabal requiring minor children as initiation fee?”

Yes, the PTA, Girl Scouts, Little League Soccer, and Papa Joe’s Amusement Park and Pony Rides.

It is amazing how somebody with a double digit IQ got a law license.  It is not, however, amazing that person would work for Trump.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.


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