Another One Down

July 12, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thanks to customer Deb T for sending a screen shot today of all the best people who have found rock bottom.

Click the little one to see the big one.



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0 Comments to “Another One Down”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    That cast of characters is reminiscent of the crazy notion that prostitution was a victimless crime. Prostitutes deserved better. Those who attached themselves to IQ4.5 and the Republicon Party are all johns. Everyone of them wants to be a dick and none of them has the integrity of a prostitute.

    In fairness, there might be one innocent victim of proximity on the list. Sally Yates seems redeemable. As opposed to Nikki Haley who seems to be keeping her powder dry while opportunistically waiting to rise from the sulfur ashes and continue the Republicon evil post Donnie.

  2. I think we’re at the point in this administration where arrivals & departures deserve an airport style board listing, with names & dates. For those who have arrived but not yet departed, DELAYED would be the universal placeholder.

    “Yes, but for how long?”
    “They say an hour, but…”

  3. Jane & PKM, I think we definitely give Sally Yates a pass and probably Andy McCabe as well. Beyond that, not so much. Rick has the way of it, there are only three things in life that are certain; death, taxes, and the fact that Karma is a b*tch and she knows your address. Every thing Trump touches dies the moment it sees the light of day, he truly is the orange fungus amongst us.

  4. maryelle says:

    A lot of those names on the Hall of of Shame list have been subpoenaed to appear before the House committees. Hope those hearings are public, even if they refuse to answer questions. It would be gratifying to see the likes of Session, Kelly and Kushner facing the music.

  5. This list fails to discriminate between those who resigned on moral or professional grounds because they were outraged by Trump’s personal failings and/or they rejected his abdication of governing norms (e.g. Yates, McMaster, probably Haley), those left due to the boss’ pique (e.g. Priebus, Bannon, Scaramucci, Omarosa) and those shamed out through public reaction (most everybody else).

    Still, it’s a damn long list. Telling in so many ways because the chaos disguises the theft behind the scenes. If there is one thing the White House Current Occupant can do it is create a diversion by sucking up all the air in the room with utter nonsense. (Pay no attention to those Republicans behind the curtain!) Just look at the loss of federal revenue through TCJA, the rapid fire senate approval of justices, the emoluments ongoing at Mar-a-Lago, the business approvals from aluminum in Kentucky to Ivanka’s Chinese trademarks to Saudi investments … shall I go on?
