Ann Romney: Screw Noblesse Oblige

July 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Now I know I’m not supposed to talk about Ann Romney because the Republicans never, ever, in any way whatsoever speak ill of Michelle Obama, now or ever.

Flip it!  I’m sick to death of dancing horses, car elevators, and God-only-knows how many houses while her husband espouses taking health care away from little children and lowering the minimum wage.  I do not begrudge her wealth.  I begrudge how she got that wealth and her damn arrogance about it.  She got that wealth by robbing the middle class of their jobs.

And, now she’s done it.  You people?  Did Ann Romney just refer to the rest of America, including damn near everybody in the GOP, as “you people?”

Oh, have pity on us, Ann, we of the not-rich.  The peons.  The workers.  The people who clean your house and handmake your cars and your clothes.

Ann Romney dismissed concerns about her husband’s tax returns Thursday, contending that the two of them have “given all you people need to know.”

“You know, you should really look at where Mitt has led his life, and where he’s been financially,” the potential first lady said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” “He’s a very generous person. We give 10 percent of our income to our church every year. Do you think that is the kind of person who is trying to hide things, or do things? No. He is so good about it. Then, when he was governor of Massachusetts, didn’t take a salary for four years.”

“We’ve given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life,” she added later.

Good Lord, Ann, haven’t you ever heard of noblesse oblige? Honey, that is not “let them eat cake.”  That is “let them eat poop and die.”

Marie Antoinann

Hell, most of us refer to “you people” as the United Damn States of America.

So, we’re supposed to take Ann, of the $77,000 tax deduction for her pet horse, at her word that Mitt is a great guy. Well, crap, Darlin’, you can find several troupes of chorus girls in Las Vegas who say the same thing about their Mafia Sugar Daddies.

Here’s my theories about the tax returns.  One, they show he’s not a millionaire, but a billionaire.  Or, they show he paid no taxes at all for several years.  Could be that he gave more money to the Mormon Church than he did in taxes.  Or maybe he’s a tax cheat and damn crook.

Ann, listen up, woman.  You people have the right to know if Mitt puts his money where his mouth is.  You can’t lead America if all your money is in Switzerland.

I may be a mean woman and a brazen hussy, but at least I’m smart enough not to call folks who vote “you people.”

On the other hand, all you people need to vote for Obama ’12.

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0 Comments to “Ann Romney: Screw Noblesse Oblige”

  1. And he hasn’t released his entire 2010 taxes because there is one form he’s holding back – an FBAR which I think describes overseas holdings.

  2. ks sunflower says:

    Diane, the tax deduction for the Dressage horse bound for the Olympics is far above the average salary of an American family. Remember, too, she has more than one horse – several, in fact. I bet they take tax deductions on each one. They even sold an injured one by masking its injury with drugs and had to settle a lawsuit with the Buyer.

    Tex – you need help, man. Your misplaced anger and blind hate are not healthy for you, your family or your community. To paint anyone who disagrees with you with such vitriol is a sign of someone who needs therapy before you become a danger to yourself or others. Chill out.

    Neither of the major parties is perfect, but at least the Democrats care about the middle and lower classes. That cannot be said of the GOTP as proven by their policies and expressed opinions. In case you didn’t realize, most of poverty level folks now are the working poor – people who work at least and often two or more jobs just to keep body and soul together. They are not layabouts or worthless. Where’s that touted religious fervor the GOTP is always throwing in our faces – where is the compassion and duty to help one another? Tell us that, Tex, tell us that.

  3. ks sunflower says:

    One last question for Tex: on what are you basing your opinion that President Obama is criminally corrupt and grossly incompetent.

    Sounds to me like you are describing former President G.W. Bush and his partner in war crimes, Dick Cheney. There is plenty of evidence that those two should have been prosecuted for war crimes because several countries have already indicted them and would just love to have them cross into their national borders. G.W. Bush’s verbal and intellectual incompetence has been chronicled by several websites, being only one with documented blunders. It’s not hard to prove that George was incompetent because we have evidence. So, before you start blabbering away about President Obama, let’s see your evidence, okay?

  4. Lea Matthews says:

    Don’t forget that she also said a few days ago that “the other people, like the nail ladies, just don’t get it.” Wish I could do her next manicure!. But you know what Antoinette, we do get it (except for Tex of course) and that is why you will never add the White House to your collection of mansions. Also, another one of her really feeling acts was posthumously baptizing her atheist father as a Mormon so she didn’t miss out on sharing that planet with Willard when he dies and becomes a God.

  5. Nita Looney says:

    I keep hoping and praying for the demise (complete end) of the evil republican party so that we can, as a nation, return to sanity. Republicans are literally in a class of their own and they are ALL crazy! Pun intended!!!!!!! God, please help us survive, in spite of the republicans!!

  6. JoyfulA says:

    Elsewhere, I’ve read that her interviewer was an African American woman, which puts another layer of unpleasant on “you people.”

  7. Leigh Williams says:

    Lea said: “Dont forget that she also said a few days ago that the other people, like the nail ladies, just dont get it.”

    Because we liberals have an absolute commitment to the truth, I need to point out that the woman who said this was an asshole attending a Romney fundraiser, not asshole Ann.

  8. SmokeThemOut says:

    Congrats….. excellent comments and your commentary is
    right-on….Mitt the Twit has always wanted others to do cover his ass. REMEMBER he marched for the war in Viet Nam while at Standford then he got a special deferment so he could spend 2 years in France as a LDS missionary. BEWARE this guy is scary, and shady too. YOU PEOPLE comment by the wife made me VOMIT…….too.

  9. Mary Louise says:

    What a bunch of crap. Ann Romney has lived a eutopian lifestyle. I have had cancer, breast 2 times and survived, and Now i battle parkinsons at the ripe old age of 53. Glaxo Smith Kline retroactively removed my healthcare benefits because I was suffering from depression. Are you kidding me? Depression and cancer go hand-in-hand. I have no healthcare coverage Ann! What can you do about that; GlaxoSmithKline RETROACTIVELY cancelled my healthcare in 2005!

    Of course I am angry since I was the number one sales representative in the entire world when they terminated my healthcare.

    Tell me Ann, what would you have done.

    Today, I hike and try to keep my life together. No one, not the government pays for my health care.

    Without MITT, where would you be? How could you survive a healthcare crisis without a husband?

    YOU CANNOT; so get off the stage of “raising some 5 boys…{

  10. Mary Louise says:

    anne romney is a complete mouthpiece for the far right right right conservatives. get a job ann and then have a catostrophical ailment like bc and ms, then we can talk . you are absurd!
