Ann Romney: Screw Noblesse Oblige

July 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Now I know I’m not supposed to talk about Ann Romney because the Republicans never, ever, in any way whatsoever speak ill of Michelle Obama, now or ever.

Flip it!  I’m sick to death of dancing horses, car elevators, and God-only-knows how many houses while her husband espouses taking health care away from little children and lowering the minimum wage.  I do not begrudge her wealth.  I begrudge how she got that wealth and her damn arrogance about it.  She got that wealth by robbing the middle class of their jobs.

And, now she’s done it.  You people?  Did Ann Romney just refer to the rest of America, including damn near everybody in the GOP, as “you people?”

Oh, have pity on us, Ann, we of the not-rich.  The peons.  The workers.  The people who clean your house and handmake your cars and your clothes.

Ann Romney dismissed concerns about her husband’s tax returns Thursday, contending that the two of them have “given all you people need to know.”

“You know, you should really look at where Mitt has led his life, and where he’s been financially,” the potential first lady said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” “He’s a very generous person. We give 10 percent of our income to our church every year. Do you think that is the kind of person who is trying to hide things, or do things? No. He is so good about it. Then, when he was governor of Massachusetts, didn’t take a salary for four years.”

“We’ve given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life,” she added later.

Good Lord, Ann, haven’t you ever heard of noblesse oblige? Honey, that is not “let them eat cake.”  That is “let them eat poop and die.”

Marie Antoinann

Hell, most of us refer to “you people” as the United Damn States of America.

So, we’re supposed to take Ann, of the $77,000 tax deduction for her pet horse, at her word that Mitt is a great guy. Well, crap, Darlin’, you can find several troupes of chorus girls in Las Vegas who say the same thing about their Mafia Sugar Daddies.

Here’s my theories about the tax returns.  One, they show he’s not a millionaire, but a billionaire.  Or, they show he paid no taxes at all for several years.  Could be that he gave more money to the Mormon Church than he did in taxes.  Or maybe he’s a tax cheat and damn crook.

Ann, listen up, woman.  You people have the right to know if Mitt puts his money where his mouth is.  You can’t lead America if all your money is in Switzerland.

I may be a mean woman and a brazen hussy, but at least I’m smart enough not to call folks who vote “you people.”

On the other hand, all you people need to vote for Obama ’12.

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0 Comments to “Ann Romney: Screw Noblesse Oblige”

  1. Lorinda Pike says:

    Clueless doesn’t begin to describe this… Was she not taught about the French Revolution at her fancy-schmancy private school? And how it didn’t end so well for “some” people?

    Maybe we should begin referring to her as Ann-toinette Romney…

  2. Wyatt_Earl says:

    You forgot the 2 Cadillacs. Otherwise, spot on.

  3. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    If the bio snips are accurate, Ann Romney was born into a family that moved from comfortable to well-off to rolling in it during her first 18 years. She is the product of a private high school and BYU. That she could develop such a Barbara Bush-like patrician attitude is a remarkable achievement. Maybe Willard IS a billionaire.

  4. m in El Paso says:

    As one of the “you people,” I think your statement of whom we must vote for this year is “right on,” JJ.

  5. gabberflasted says:

    I read somewhere that Romney gave ALL his Olympics salary to charity. Was that part of the 10% tithe?
    Was his “not taking a salary for four years,’ trea5ted the same?
    I know it takes a lot of money for upkeep on these huge monuments to the ‘Great Fling Spaghetti Monster’ (I am not very religious) but, show me the returns. There are a great many charitable organizations that could use 10% of that ‘charitable largesse. Just sayin’!
    Perhaps Ann-tonedef is also an appropriate sobriquet.

  6. Since she thinks they’ve “… given enough” … I think WE have had about enough of both of them!

    It if is possible, everything I read or hear about Mitt & Co., just makes my mind, my heart, my tummy sad to even contemplate even the slightest chance these two might occupy the White House! I felt the same way when Dubya lied, cheated and ramrodded his way back in for a 2nd term … I tell ya … it’s NOT a good feeling and Pepto does not help it at all!

  7. Thanks for sharing all that, Mz. JJ. I actually appreciate seeing that she stupidly addressed anyone-not-her as “you people”. It shows quite clearly what a turdly type she is.

    The next put-down kind of thing we might hear from her is some comments referencing “the little people”.

    And, that reminds me of Leona Helmsley’s infamous quote: “We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes.”

    (Leona Helmsley, attributed, New York Times, Jul. 12, 1989 found at

    So, when all the Mitt finally hits the proverbial fan (and I believe it’s only a matter of time when that happens), the “co-in-ke-dinky” of all of that arrogance and snottiness may become fully apparent. Like Leona, like Annie Fannie. Two peas-in-an-entitled-pod.

  8. Cheryl Ann says:

    Wouldn’t you just love to be a fly on the wall during the conversation she had with the “handlers” after that interview? The spin doctors are getting a headache.

  9. Lorraine in Spring says:

    If I’m not mistaken, the 2010 return Mitt released showed he tithed 19% to his church and paid about 14% in taxes. Now, I don’t even do my own simple taxes since I’m mathmatically challenged, but that makes me ask a few questions like, if one is supposed to tithe 10%, and he tithes 2x as much, does he really have twice the money in offshore accounts he says he does? And does he pay taxes on all of it?

    @Lorinda….Ann-toinette Rmoney. Perfect.

  10. . . . .. and the horse she danced in on.

  11. Great…more blathering from Ann of Green Stables…

  12. June Bug says:

    And that dancing horse going to the olympics…..aren’t the participants supposed to be amateurs? And if there’s a $70,000 tax deduction for that pony, does that make him a business and no longer an amateur? Can I deduct my cat’s vet bills if I show him at a cat show?

  13. June Bug says:

    @Kelly; Can I piggyback ? How about Ann of Green $tables?

  14. Lizzycat says:

    In our house (just the one, mind you), we call her “Ann Rom-toinette”… What a clueless wonder is she!

  15. Juanita and Everyone~

    Thank you. You’ve all said it very well.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    You People

    cc: AnnDRomney #horseprom

  16. If Joe Sixpack and his ilk think that “these people” (I mean the GOP) are fit to be their standard-bearers, and arise from their couches to vote for them, Norman Mailer was right: The Apocalypse happened years ago; the bad guys won; and everything we’re seeing now is merely a mopping-up action.

  17. JuanaAnna says:

    I think that their tax returns may show they both commited voter fraud by voting it states that was different from the tax return addresses.

  18. JohnBoy H says:

    Giving moola to a “charity” that uses the money to baptize the dead is a good use of money, Not giving to the hungry will help them starve to death and then you can baptize them too.

  19. As much as I dread the idea of Mitt as President, I dread the idea of her as First Lady only slightly less. She is a Frankenstein’s monster of a woman, made that way by excess money and privilege.

  20. Kate oDubhagain says:

    Ann always reminded me of a Mean Girl. You can see it in her face, hear it in her attitude, and observe it in her behavior.

  21. And how much charity does Mitt give to people who don’t happen to belong to his church? You know, the ones who pay more taxes so Ann can write off her pet horse.

  22. Let’s talk about deductions for horses. Being a lifelong horsewoman (and a poor one), I know a bit about the tax system on this subject.

    First of all, it was in the Reagan years that the tax code changed from being able to deduct all horse-related expenses such as your daughter’s show outfits, her riding lessons, the truck and trailer to haul her to the shows, as well as the cost of the horse and board and vet bills and fancy saddles. Case in point: in 1980 there were more Arabian horses in Scottsdale, Arizona, than there were in Saudi Arabia. This included many breeders in the city limits who had a hundred horses, selling in the five- and six-figure range. Stud fees sometimes were $10,000 and so a baby was surely worth more than that.

    Suddenly, a hobby couldn’t be a deductible thing any more. It had to be a business venture. People had to show a PROFIT in 3 out of every 5 years to be able to deduct all those horse-related expenses. Somebody had to sell a horse for a bunch of money to make that happen, in at least two of those years. If, at the end of five years profit cannot be shown, all those deductions are considered back taxes owed. That would reflect in Mitt’s IRS returns.

    Also, bear in mind what Ann said late last year: “Even Mitt doesn’t know how many horses I have!” So that $70,000 figure isn’t a stand-alone thing.

    Another subject: The LDS Church requires a 10% tithe. No more, no less. So the fact that Mitt tithed 19% indicates nearly double the actual income that the tax return shows.

  23. Well, shoot. Now I’ve gotta add another name to my “bitch” list . . .

  24. Fred Farklestone says:

    I believe he didn’t file for a couple of years and then was made to file under penalty of law!

  25. As one of “you people” who will vote in November.

    Mrs. Romney…… could you please explain why Mr. Romney put his money in offshore accounts…. like the Cayman Islands, and Swiss Bank Accounts????.

    The short version will do just fine.

    Thank you.

  26. One of my new buttons is to the effect that Romney took more in deductions for his horse than most people earned each year.

  27. Robin Frazier says:

    I agree. I think he is Billionaire and hiding it. To run a PEG you have to have at least a Billion. It is based on being able to buy up everything and corner markets. That takes tons of cash.

  28. Abigail Quart says:

    Ann sold a drugged-out horse. Let’s not forget that.

  29. I think she meant to say ‘you people can kiss my ass’.

    That’s how I read that.

    Next thing you know, she’ll be demanding an apology because people are quoting her.

  30. June Bug, the Olympics hasn’t required participants to be amateurs since 1988, although the rules were so flexible that you had to actually be on a pro club’s payroll to be considered a professional. This is actually a democratization of the Olympics, since the founders of the modern games thought that professionals would be lower class, not gentlemen.

  31. Fred Farklestone says:

    I want to see all the Romney’s kids birth certificate’s!

  32. Hope the handlers don’t put a muzzle on her. The arrogance of the one per centers might become apparent even to the densest of “you people” who would still support them and their ilk this fall. Yep, Leona is back in the saddle again.

  33. Mizcreant, I think Ann Romney is Leona Hemsley incarnate.

    As far as the tithing goes, Mormon have to tithe in order to be considered good Mormons who wear the special underwear and can go into the temples. There are three levels of Mormonism. The Romneys are probably at the third (top) level and think they’ve arrived at their own planet.

    Maybe I’m wrong’ but I don’t think buying your way into heaven is in the Bible.

  34. fenway fran says:

    and the AP is putting this out quoting her as saying ‘the people’. Sheez.

  35. I think it’s time to crank up the oven and start making chocolate pie

    Just saying…

    You people?? No Mam is We the People of the United States, remember that shug

  36. ks sunflower says:

    Won’t do the AP any good, really, because there is so much video being circulated with her REAL comment. I am outraged that AP would scrub and clean-up her remarks! That is not ethical. I will be less likely to believe any AP tagged article from now on. Thanks, fenway fran for the heads-up.

  37. Tex Taylor says:

    Covetousness and envy. The two calling cards of the nags from the Left.

    You people was a simple reference to the Leftists of America. The deviants, the disenfranchised, the lost, the parasites, the losers, the Obama rubes, the hags, the nags, the insanely jealous…

    Basically the bottom rung of society completely dependent upon another’s charity, willing to be bought for a host of empty promises by the grossly incompetent and criminally corrupt (like Obama).

  38. Sooooo many great comments – and thought-provoking ones, too. I had not thought about the fact that tithing was double the income that he used for taxing.

    @fenwayfran – I listened to it several times – she said you people. Good to know that AP cleaned it up for her like the good llittle servants they are.

    I don’t know why everyone is so upset – Mitt has lowered himself to run for our President – we should bow our heads and vote him in because he wants it, dang it.

  39. I read to the bottom of the article and she claims to “know the answer” and predicts “they’re going to fire the coach”(Obama).
    So, ….she’s in sync with babyfaced Graham who says, “it’s a game; it’s all a game!”????? This ain’t no game when it’s my life you think you have in your hands, Annie!

  40. Marlene says:

    Can’t vote for him, sorry, my tiara is being re-set with the good stuff, my ermine robe is being cleaned and you know how slow those people are when they are told to do stuff. I also wonder if someone didn’t realize that the tax return would include details of them deducting the cost of a party they threw for their horse (which included cakes shaped like carrots, party favors and balloons for the human guests) which just might offend the rest of us who are lucky to have one deduction only – for ourselves.

  41. Juanita Jean says:

    Okay, Tex, I’m going to let this one through simply because you described me perfectly.

  42. Elon Gated says:

    AMEN! I hope the DNC would just loop a tape of Ann saying “you people” while they show vidos of her houses, cars, boats and horse!

  43. Corinne Sabo says:

    Even Bush I & II released more than Romney. What is he hiding? Wifey said the returns would just provide more for people to talk about. Yeah, right, run and run and run but you can’t hide.

  44. I see Tex Taylor is projecting.

  45. JuanaAnna – bingo! I bet you got it.

  46. unsatiable Greed and severe lack of empathy are the calling cards of the Repubs, Tex!
    Personally, Ann can have her tons of cash, cadilllacs and prancing horses..she is a Stepford wife after all and married to a robot…I, liberal Democrat that I am,have something more important to me…Integrity.
    You can’t buy that dude, not even in Texass!

  47. Hmmmm… Apparently 2010 is when he voted in MA, and the only released tax return (2010) says MA (street address redacted). Wasn’t that when he was listing his son’s basement as a residence? (You *know* he wasn’t actually living there……)

  48. Kate oDubhagain says:

    Tex, the right to be heard does not include the right to be taken seriously.

  49. Here is what I wrote on another blog that had this story this am.
    I almost felt sorry for this women because of her MS.
    Not any more.

    “you people”???
    Like we are some sort of race apart from the Romney’s?
    Like we are not good enough to ask questions of a man who wants to rule us for 4 years?

    Maybe you do not realize what your husband is running for. It is the POTUS of “WE, the people”. Not just people like you. Not people who have tax exemptions for a horse, that almost equal the average salary of the American family.
    And Ann, your husband has not shown us enough. Not nearly enough.
    I want to know if the man that wants to be my president has hidden his money so he did not have to pay taxes. I want to know if the same man has paid less taxes then my family.
    My husband and I are retired. WE are living on and depending on the same Social Security that your husband wants to change.
    Not the ‘fee stuff”, the stuff we have paid into all our working lives.
    The work I did while my children were growing up, unlike you, who were able to stay at home.
    I want to know if your husband even paid taxes some years, a perk most middle class Americans don’t get to exercise.

    As a matter of fact Ann, tell your husband not to bother. I will vote for Barack Obama.

  50. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    @Tex: The folks who post here are in general pretty bright, pretty with it thinkers. If you then think the message from the spokesperson of the Republican candidate apparent requires requires explanation here to be understood fully, then you should rightly question the message or question the speaker, not he folks expressing their understanding of the message.
