And You Thought Rick Perry Was Dumb?
My governor is dumber than dog dump.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is hog butt hard on voter fraud. He’s opposed to it. He’s also opposed to hurricanes but that don’t stop ‘um.
Governor Abbott tweeted:
That up there is just a picture of his tweet so you can’t follow the link. Here it is.
Poor Abbott fell in damn love with the headline ….
… but he didn’t read the story.
First off, Texas turnout in the March 1st primary was dismal. The only state with a worse turnout than Texas was Louisiana.
There have been more than 80 cases of voter fraud prosecuted in Texas since 2002, a Politifact report found last year. Only a handful of those cases involved the kind of in-person voter fraud that Texas’ voter ID law aims to stop.
The newspaper relied on research that found “fewer Texans commit in-person voter fraud than get struck by lightning.
So, Greg, read the damn story.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.