And Whose Welfare Would That Be?
Requesting an FEC advisory opinion allows a candidate or PAC to ask the FEC for their opinion if something is legal prior to them spending or raising money in a risky way. This opinion was requested by Trump’s former deputy White House general counsel Stefan Passantino – the lawyer in the White House General Counsel’s Office who was in charge of enforcing ethics requirements. And I tell you this because the irony is so thick it could only be cut with a diesel powered chain saw.

Tom Price
The request for their opinion was answered. This draft FEC advisory opinion would allow former HHS Secretary and congressman Tom PrIce (R-GA) to use his $1.7 million in excess campaign funds to create a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization in Georgia.
Of course, once the social welfare organization is created, it can do what it wants with the money except pay Price and his wife a salary but according to the draft opinion, Price could be reimbursed for expenses and we all know how that goes.
So if the social welfare organization wants to spend that money, say, opposing Stacey Abrams’ run for Governor or Senator or advocating for additional voter suppression tactics it could do that.
Guys, we’re witnessing the birth of a shady political nonprofit in a state where there have been serious allegations of election improprieties to begin with. Plus, we’re not dealing with a guy who has always been above board about his “expenses.” Price still owes the taxpayers $341,000 for his private travel while HHS Secretary.
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.