And There He Stood, Holding Air In His Hands

December 06, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I am so damn proud of these people. McConnell and McCarthy have not earned respect.



McConnell and McCarthy refused to meet with these people until they were backed into a corner and then behaved poorly at the meeting.  Remember these are the two guys who stood by their party even when their party said January 6th was “legitimate political discourse.”


0 Comments to “And There He Stood, Holding Air In His Hands”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’m with you JJ. The two spineless repugnanticans they didn’t shake hands with are the exact opposite. Then there’s these guys:

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    I am all for Democratic House members to “talk” with Qevin McQarthy. To the tune of “sure Qevin, we’ll bi-partisan with you for House Speaker.” Then after letting him know the Democratic Caucus voted for Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, so sorry about your luck, Qev. How great would it be for Rep. Jeffries to become Speaker? If enough of the QNP Congress varmints get themselves indicted/convicted, that could happen.

    As for Moscow Mitch, too bad one of the honorees didn’t stomp on his foot.

  3. It’s the correct response when frontline heroes meet undisclosed location cowards.

  4. So,if Pelosi were to support Liz Cheney for Speaker, could they pull 218 votes together. And would that be fun?? That would be a WWE tag team for the ages.

  5. If either McConnell or McCarthy were normal people their feelings would be hurt and they would wonder what they did wrong. Since they are both hot, steaming piles and they aren’t and they don’t.

  6. Oh my.

  7. Finally some un official but powerful acknowledgement of their dangerous silence.
    This brings great hope!

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    There’s a video on Apple News in the last 2 hours where the Mitch Mc is asked if he’d support trumpf in 2024. He refused to answer. This on a day when trumpf’s business empire is found guilty of fraud. Yes, he is a spineless politician.

  9. Unfortunately, Jace, Ms. Cheney will not be a member of the 2023 House.

  10. Just, but sad to see.

    @ maryelle
    As the R’s keep saying, the Speaker doesn’t have to be a member of the House.

  11. Maryelle, that’s what would make it so sweet. The way McCarthy threw Liz under the bus for the golden gerbil;seeing him choke on that sour lemon. Using their own rules.

  12. Skepticat says:

    Holding air in their hands. And in their skulls.
