And The Winner Is ….
Honey, we Democrats are so lucky that we could sit on a fence and the birds would feed us.
There’s some PPP polling out this morning.
PPP’s newest national survey finds that in the wake of the shutdown, Republican voters now view Ted Cruz as their party’s leader. 21% picked Cruz to 17% for Chris Christie, and 15% for John Boehner. Cruz finished well ahead of the other GOP Senators we tested- Rand Paul got 9%, John McCain 7%, and Mitch McConnell only 4%. Mitt Romney at 8% and Sarah Palin at 4% were the other people we tested.
Numbers PPP will release next week show Ted Cruz would be an exceedingly weak Presidential candidate in the general election.
So this means the GOP has a real odd strategy to win back the White House. I guess Karl Rove is still checking the results in Ohio and doesn’t have time to explain the math behind this theory to the GOP.