UPDATED: And the Hitler Hits Just Keep On Comin’

February 13, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

UPDATED:  Joe Scarborough and company go nuts and tears Miller’s head off on MoJoe.  Have a look:


In the wake of KellyAnne Conway’s illegal hawking of Ivanka’s cheap crap from China on national television, Stephen Miller, former attack dog for Jeff Sessions, is the new apparent television propagandist for Cheeto Jesus.  He made his debut appearances on MTP, Face the Nation, and This Week, and boy, were they doozies.  He spewed more lies in a few minutes than most people do in a lifetime, and tried talking over his hosts, but Chuck Todd and George Snuffleupagus, both who, having recently grown actual spines, were having none of it.  The most outrageous thing he repeated, though, was that the president’s authority over immigration is “unquestioned”.  Well, actually, no, it’s not.  That’s why we have three branches of government – the president’s authority is continually questioned.  That’s the way it works.

The most striking thing, though? It was the physical similarities to a certain former propagandist that sent chills up my spine. Josef Goebbels was Hitler’s chief propagandist during his rise beginning in the 1920’s until it’s destruction in 1945.  Goebbels was a master at “enlightenment” and used that mastery to convince Germans to submit to the worst dictator in the modern era.


I’m not big on the whole Nazi parallel thing, but this is pretty creepy, yes?

Oh, and one more comment, directed at Miller – buy a history book, sonny.  Sit down, shut up, and READ.

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