And The Dumb Marches On

February 28, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want you to meet Texas State Representative Bill Zedler, who lives in a small area between Dallas and Fort Worth.

Zedler has introduce legislative to make it easier for parents to opt-out of getting their kids vaccinated.

He explained the scientific reasoning behind his efforts.

“They want to say people are dying of measles,” he added. “Yeah, in Third World countries they’re dying of measles. Today, with antibiotics and that kind of stuff, they’re not dying in America.”

Oh Holy Crap. If this guy, God forbid, should come down with cancer, let’s pump him full of antibiotics and send him home.

You know what bother me? Not one other Republican stood up and said, “Shuddup, you damn fool.”  All the sheep just turned around and started following the guy talking.

Thanks to Brian C for the heads up.

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