So, Here’s The Deal

February 28, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, serial idiocy committer Matt Gaetz most likely added witness intimidation to his list of folly when he tweeted a raw threat to Michael Cohen.

That alone should question his ability to represent the American people.

But then … oh then  …..

Serial Doofus

Edward-Isaac Dovere, a staff reporter for The Atlantic, tweeted Thursday that he overheard a phone conversation between Gaetz and Trump, whom he said called the Florida Republican from Hanoi to discuss the Cohen testimony and apparent threat.

“I was happy to do it for you,” Gaetz said, according to Dovere. “You just keep killing it.”

I guess things have improved, though, because later instead of taking a bullet for the president, Gaetz just “refused to discuss the call.”

I need to call Gaetz and thank him for making Cohen look totally right in his assessment of Trump.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “So, Here’s The Deal”

  1. This was the same azzhat that attempted to throw two fathers (whose children were killed in the Parkland shooting) out of a Florida public meeting about gun violence. He kept pushing tRump’s wall – saying that it would take care of the gun violence. The fathers stood up and objected, noting that their kids were killed by a US citizen. He tried to shut them up and kick them out.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Matt Gaetz, the Republicon trifecta; more corrupt than Devin Nunes, dumber than Louie Gohmert and meaner than Steve King. Also, 36, not married, so probably an incel, too, or closeted.

  3. Jane & PKM, if that’s his photo, I’m not the least bit surprised.

  4. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Poor Robert Mueller. If this is true, Trump just suborned witness intimidation. That report will never be finished. It’s like “Groundhog Day,” we’re all stuck here forever.

  5. twocrows says:

    This guy, along with a few dozen other snacilbupeR, have done what I had thought, till recently, was absolutely impossible. They made me feel sorry for Michael Cohen.

    Wonders, meet Never Cease.

  6. twocrows says:

    Hey, Buttermilk Sky — when you’re right, you’re right:

  7. Obviously dropped on his head as a kid. Possibly even on purpose.
