And Filling Out Today’s Trifecta Of Really Horrible Republican Men

December 04, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Attorney General William Barr, who has announced that any community protesting the police just might find themselves without police.

No, I am not kidding.

Would the same deal work for the President or even the Attorney General? If we protest, will y’all go away?  If so, this restriction on the peoples’ right to protest might be worth it.

Hell, this little pudgy nazi said, “those who don’t show ‘respect’ to authority could lose access to police services.”

Although Barr didn’t specify what “communities” he was referencing, activists decried his speech as a clear attack on minorities who have protested police brutality and other racially skewed law enforcement abuses.

He even suggested that people stand outside of police departments and cheer for the police as the leave to go out on patrol.  How about firefighters? EMS? Teachers? Nurses?

Barr, read a damn law book. You do not have the right to threaten the people of this country for exercising their constitutional rights. I don’t care what Trump tells you because he hasn’t read a book either.


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