And Fellow Travelers
Okay, I am darn near certain that most of you have seen this woman.
She lives in your teevee set. She pops up when Donald Trump needs defending, which is pretty often now days.
Her name is Katrina Pierson and she’s a real special kind of loser. She is from Texas. Of. Damn. Course.
In 1997, she was arrested for shoplifting some dresses at J. C. Penny’s. She says that she used that experience to “turn her life around.”
Okay. Maybe not 360 degrees. Okay, okay, maybe not 180 degrees. Maybe like 45 degrees. In the wrong damn direction.
On Sunday night, the Quorum Report’s Scott Braddock pointed out that Pierson received some $11,000 in unemployment benefits from the Texas Workforce Commission from January 2012 to November 2013—meaning she was receiving government support during a period in which she consulted for Ted Cruz’s senate campaign and was planning for her own run.
If you ever need a picture of white privilege, grab your camera and take a picture of your teevee screen because it’s likely she’s on there, stealing money and time.
Thanks to Deb for the heads up.