Republicans Just Can’t Catch a Break

August 02, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

San Antonio is in Bexar County (it’s pronounced Bear because in Texas we mostly just ignore X’s, which kinda explains our next-to-the-bottom educational system).

Bear County is Democratic.  Republicans managed to get one Republican elected to the county commissioners court.  In Texas, commissioners court has nothing to do with real court.  It’s just a panel of 5 people who decide how every single tax dollar is spent in the county.  They also set the tax rate.

Screen Shot 2016-08-02 at 9.33.28 AMRepublicans got Kevin Wolff elected to the Bexar County court because there’s one section of San Antonio that’s very rich.  They are plenty proud of electing Wolff because, according to his biography, he describes himself as “Bexar County’s strongest voice for fiscal conservativism and strong Republican principles.”

At 3:00 a.m. last Sunday morning Kevin Wolff was arrested at a WhatABurger after rear ending two vehicles at the drive-thru.  Hey, when a man needs a WhatABurger, he’s willing to knock some people over.

When asked if he had anything to drink earlier in the evening, Wolff said, “Oh yeah, sure.”

Strong Republican principles.  Gotta love that.


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0 Comments to “Republicans Just Can’t Catch a Break”

  1. Rastybob says:

    I can relate. Its hard to live in TX, or AZ. and be sober at the same time. I know that every time I sober up, Some Repub. opens his mouth and I need a drink. Can you hear Drumpf talk for more than 10secs. And not need a drink? Can anybody?
    The GOP is sure hard on a mans liver.

  2. he describes himself as “Bexar County’s strongest voice for fiscal conservativism and strong Republican principles.”

    He didn’t say he himself has strong Republican principles, just that he was a voice for strong Republican principles so basically he just tells everyone else how to live but it doesn’t apply to him.

  3. Marcia in CO says:

    At least he was honest about having a drink or 3 or 4!! And … he was trying to use a WhataBurger to sober up with before heading home! Is he married? Would the little woman clunk him over his bald pate with a cast iron skillet for not bringing her a burger, too? Or just konk him a good one just because!!!

  4. maryelle says:

    Another example of Republican hypocrisy: You do what I say, but I’ll do whatever I d**n well feel like. Their presidential candidate represents them so well.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “Bexar County’s strongest voice for fiscal conservativism and strong Republican principles.”

    Good thing it was a drive thru and not a bridge, or old Kevin might have gone all Outlaw Jersey Whale on traffic to get his burger. What an ‘entitled’ bunch of moochers. But I have to love their sense of ‘fiscal conservative’ – yep, exchange two wrecked cars and a DUI for a burger. $10,000 for $10, at that exchange rate this guy is snacilbupeR Congressional material.

  6. Sandridge says:

    Saw the teevee news segment on this yesterday, they never mentioned that he was a Republic (if he had been a Democrat they would have been shouting it I’ll wager).
    And BTW, Kevin Wolff’s daddy, Nelson Wolff, has been THE big gun in Bexar county, and San Antonio, politics for like forever. So much for Repube nepotism and ‘family values’.

    News did state that he refused an on-scene breathalyzer test, supposedly had a BAL test ‘later’; oldest DWI* dodge there is.
    Teevee filmed him leaving the arraignment, ~6-7 hours after the incident, he did seem a little sheepish and remorseful; he ironically remarked that ‘he was the strong lawnorder pol in town’.
    With a preyer meetin’ or two all will be forgiven and forgotten amongst the tRue believers.
    Being smashed at 3AM does kind of imply that it’s been a long, liquid imbibing evening and night; but when ya gotta Whatta, ya gotta get one.

    *FYI: I’m on record as being extremely harsh on DWI’s, to the point of an instant death penalty; having seen far too many roadside kill zones caused by DWI drivers.

  7. Sandridge says:

    Marcia in CO,
    Mr. Wolff had been at home when he (and others?) got a craving for Whattaburger fare, so he went out to a very close nearby Whattaburger emporium (on San Pedro) to pick up some ‘happy’ meals ASAP. Didn’t work out so well.

    I gotta admit some of their stuff is tasty, but I still prefer Wendy’s, BK, and Arby’s if I’m going the fast food route (very seldom anyway, and until a few years ago we only had a Sonic drive-in in our little town(s), now there’s a McD, Bill Miller BBQ, and a Whatta, plus some more; town(s) has growed like 2-3x due to the Eagle Ford.)

  8. Is “Bexar” pronounced “Bear” or perhaps “Behar” because it’s the Spanish pronunciation….?

    When asked if he had anything to drink earlier in the evening, Wolff said, “Oh yeah, sure.”

    I’m reminded of that Toronto mayor who said that yeah, he’d probably snorted cocaine “during one of my drunken stupors.” Okay, a point for honesty, but many points off for everything else.

  9. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    Actually Rhea, here in the county it is pronounced both ways.
    Bear is the one syllable way and the correct way is two syllables (Bay-har.)

    Just saying…

  10. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Driving while playing Pokemon?

  11. Sandridge says:

    FYI: On the topic of DWI,
    Some preliminary info is surfacing about the pilot of the hot air balloon that took off from near Austin and crashed and burned after contacting a power transmission line near Lockhart, killing fifteen innocent passengers.
    That pilot, a Mr. Nichols, apparently had a long history of DWI offenses (presumably terrestrial) and unspecified customer complaints. Granted, he is innocent until proved guilty, but with a history like that alleged one, perhaps he shouldn’t have been allowed to pilot paid customer flights.
    Sounds like the FAA has been a bit lax with certain types of airman ratings.
    And unless there was a problem with the airship itself (which would most likely be the fuel-fed hot air inflation system), pilot error is the odds on cause of it hitting the very visible, sector charted, cables (the weather was almost optimum). Even a partial or full flame-out condition could have been compensated for, except for a very small proximity window, by a competent pilot.

  12. Oh, conservative “values.” Whatever, dude.

  13. Strong principles indeed.

    About 80 proof by my estimate.

  14. Anyone know if he blew what he blew? I’m on the table betting between .13 to .17 BAC.

  15. Alacrity, then there are those of us in central Texas who sort of supply the difference and say something like “bay-er.” Texas has a whole lot of regionalisms.

  16. JAKvirginia says:

    Drunk… and STUPID! Anyone with a brain knows that if there’s a line at the window it’s faster to do a walk-in! Drunk, stupid… and LAZY! Sheesh!

  17. Lunargent says:

    JAKv – at that time of night, the drive- up was probably all that was open. And even if not – c’mon, you expect somebody that drunk to walk? Hell, he could barely drive!

  18. what I find interesting is that, since I have been aware, probably 90% of “incidents” involving politicians, have involved republicans. so, when one of those rare instances occurs, and it involves a democrat (and I am by no means saying democrats are perfect people), it always comes as a shock to me.

    this, this came as no shock. you do have to wonder how many times he’s done this before (DWI’ing) and just been lucky enough to not cause an accident?

  19. JAKvirginia says:

    Lunargent: You are right. Walking would not be a good idea. And his slurry speech? He could blame that on the lousy sound system. Natch.

  20. In fairness, Kevin’s dad, Nelson Wolff, is a Democrat. He’s probably disappointed on more than one level.

  21. If Mr. Wolff got sent to the county jail, there’s one thing you can be sure of – the jail food would certainly improve, ’cause the kitchen would suddenly get more money.
