An Eye for an Eye…

March 10, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Bloomberg, Flamethrower

Senate Republicans are whipping up yet another investigation over a fake issue, this time of Hunter Biden.  Risking stating the blatantly obvious, this investigation, like many others, is complete bullshit, and being timed to inflict maximum damage on Joe Biden, who is close to taking the nomination for president.  Elected officials’ kids used to be off limits, but Trump and and National Trump Party have shattered that norm, bringing to bear the full force of the federal government to persecute political rivals and their families.

Enter Mike Bloomberg (again).  Over the weekend on MSNBC, former Bloomberg campaign manager Tim O’Brien announced that if Republicans go after Hunter Biden, Bloomberg will use cash he had set aside for his campaign to go “scorched earth” against the Trump kids, exposing their legion of conflicts, nepotism, and illegal use of federal office to make profits.  The ads will go after profits being made by Trump’s hotels that are charging the Secret Service and foreign officials for stays and hospitality, Ivanka’s Chinese patents, and government paying for all the kids travel for private business.  The entertainment value should be huge, and will drive Trump crazy (er).

Finally someone has the resources to stand up to the Noise Machine in a flame war.  It should be epic.

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