All Is Forgiven

November 04, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bridgeport, Connecticut, has to be the most forgiving city in America.

628x471Last night, they re-elected Mayor Joe Ganim fresh from his seven year stint in federal prison for … embezzling taxpayer money from the last time he was mayor.  Not only that, the guy got 59% of the vote.

“I am committed to moving Bridgeport forward and, as I have said, I will continue to put the best interests of the community first,” Malloy said in a statement on Tuesday.

Voters elected him five times starting back in the 1990s, before he served seven years behind bars.

He’s a Democrat. Everybody keep your fingers crossed.

And in related news, Kentucky elected a crazzzybutt Republican for governor.  Most shocking of all, people are acting surprised about it.


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