Alex Jones UPDATE

March 27, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guess who else was involved in the Alex Jones conspiracy?

The NRA.  I kid you NOT.

Mark is reading the emails and asking questions.  He’s passing along anything weird he finds.  In my mind, this is not weird but it is disgusting.


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0 Comments to “Alex Jones UPDATE”

  1. Hmmm, any chance that means they can be added to the suit as co-conspirators or something? That would be cool.

  2. Future NRA talking points:

    * They’re comin’ for our conspiracies!
    * We have a 1st Amendment right to bear conspiracy theories!
    * When lies are outlawed, only honest people will be armed with facts and information. Do you really want to live on a world like that?

  3. e platypus onion says:

    Sandy Hook Dad killed himself this week. 2 survivors of Parkland have committed suicide this past week. The dying continues long after the massacres end.

  4. Old Fart says:

    We already knew the NRA thirsts for human blood. We just didn’t know it included the victim’s parents and relatives, too…

  5. Here are the details ….
    Exclusive: NRA Official Sought Sandy Hook Hoaxer To Question Parkland Shooting, Emails Show

    Since I read it here first, that means JuanitaJean has the “exclusive” not Huffington Post.

  6. Again, color me not surprised! This time around, it should be recognized that the NRA AND THEIR PALS THE RUSSIANS are a duo and as such involved in this.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Russia/NRA is lobbying wingnuts to [prevent inclusion in Women Against Violence Act a law that strips domestic abusers of their alleged rights to own guns.

    Nothing says we love the little ladies like keeping their abusers armed to the teeth.

    The NRA is similar to Israel- not our friend at all.

  8. The NRA is looking to spread a few of those rubels down to Australia.
    Check Aussie news. The NRA is planning strategies to help Australia roll back the gun laws down under and use NRA money to do so.
    The Aussie knuckledraggers want to prevent the outrage from Kiwi jumping Tasman sea.
    The NRA is metastasizing into an international virus.
