Aladamnbama Purity, Per Se.

February 22, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know it’s kinda weird to use the words purity and Alabama in the same sentence because they go together like roller skates and peanut butter.

But, Alabama is trying to correct that by making sure one thing is perfectly pure – Republicans and their Facebook friends.

Seriously.  Republicans are being kicked outta the Republican party for having Democratic Facebook friends.

“With Republicans being so dominant, we’re seeing Trojan horses. Maybe I should say Trojan elephants,” she said, alluding to the party’s symbol.

Tew, who unsuccessfully ran for sheriff as a Democrat in 2006, said much of the case against him came down to his friends on Facebook.

“They said I still had Democratic friends,” he said. “I’m not going to deny my friends.

“What people say on their Facebook and Twitter pages can come back to haunt them, per se,” she said.

There is no report on Twitter friends or who comes by your house to check your computer to see if you’ve gone to MSNBC.

Thanks to TexasEllen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Aladamnbama Purity, Per Se.”

  1. These tactics are reminiscent of the McCarthy era. Now, however, it’s not a communist friend who could get you in trouble, it’s a…
    (gasp) Democrat. Just when you think the Repugs have sunk as low as they can, they think up even lower and more repressive behavior.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Holy Gohmerts! What do the Republicans want? Seriously. For gohmerts sake, put anything in writing, especially electronic writing and it is there for the world to see.

    President Obama is expected to compromise with those gohmerts, yet a GOPer who responds is castigated by their own gohmerts. The Rabid Right is devouring their own.

    Double standards, pretzel logic and the full Tea Bag Monty of gohmert crazy is gohmerting all over the GOP.

    The Democratic Party needs to get busy and defeat the crazy. Our votes in 2014 could be the most important of our voting history. Thank you for all you do, Susan and Bubba! Go BLUE Texas!

  3. It’s hard to have true epistemological closure if you let people listen to ideas that came from somewhere other than Roger Ailes. One wonders what happens if one or more family members happen to be the wrong political party.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    For “pure” cognitive dissonance, consider Rob Portman. Good on him for accepting his gay son, then the tool doubles down on excoriating a living minimum wage. GOP gohmert tools occasionally make exceptions when the issue hits home.
    Something the GOP will never understand, unless a particular issue nukes them in their residence. Then again, given the examples of Sonny Bono and Dick Cheney, there’s no guarantee those right wing religious freaks will ever grab a clue. To them, “thou shalt not kill” was an inconvenient suggestion. I am not a Xtian, but I sure would like to see the daughter of god return and explain life to the gohmert Xtians.

  5. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I wonder if Republicans and Democrats are in the Lions Club, The Rotary Club, and other social organizations in Alabama? Would The Party purge the members of clubs with subversives or would they insist that they clubs purge the Democrats.

    Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the the Shriners?

  6. Kate Dungan says:

    What next, disavowing family members who lean liberal? The republican party is sounding more and more like a cult.

  7. Maryelle, McCarthy was a light-weight compared to the way Nazis did pretty much the same thing before either killing you immediately or shipping you off to a concentration camp. If you try to point out the similarities to the Rethugs, they still wouldn’t get it!

  8. They’ll look to Kim Jung Un for inspiration on how to handle wayward family members.

  9. Godwin on maggie! 😉

  10. Thus proving the old saw:

    It’s not what you know, its who you know.

  11. They eat their own. Let the feasting begin!

  12. oh oh. this isn’t good. my cousin lives in alabama. but, she doesn’t use facebook. she’d never explain why. maybe this explains it.

    on the other hand, this might be my opportunity to get her out of the gop. think maybe i’ll try to “friend” her again. it’s about time she started thinking right.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    I know several folks who refuse to use Facebook. Not a bad idea. And I have Dem. friends married to GOPs. Should that be added to the list of reasons not to buy marriage licenses?

  14. Maggie again. One of the very first things I learned to read as a child was “Loose lips sink ships.” I would never hire anyone who was addicted to the social network. My business would not be safe.

  15. @Kate Dungan: Thanks. Ever since my idiot older brother went to a north Texas tea party I have felt like he joined a cult. I told him I drew the line at Kool-Aid. If his masters start talking that we’re having us a framily intervention.

  16. Maggie…I get your point, but you’re here. And anything you say here might be repeated by anyone who reads this site. The internet itself is a social network, in that anything anyone says on a site can be read by anyone else who wants to. Even on a site where you have to register to get in…you don’t know who all the people who registered are.

    I’m in several supposedly closed listservs and other groups that are supposed to be kept private by “rules.” Rules don’t bother tools–every one of those groups has had at least one blabbermouth. A friend of mine in NYC was stalked by someone in her building who read something about her (written by someone else but containing enough info that he could look her up), discovered she was in the same building, and sent her scary email–and then stopped her in the lobby to be sure she knew he knew where she lived. So your employee who isn’t on Facebook or Twitter may blab something you wish he/she hadn’t to a friend or family member, that *that* person can put it on Facebook or Twitter. Long before I was on any social media at all, I had a guy drive up to the house one day because he liked a book I’d written. The bookstore clerk told him I lived in this town (the clerk knew that because I had done book-signings there), and the people at the gas station told him where I lived. (SO glad my husband was home.) Social media has been with humans since the beginning.

    Along with “Loose lips sink ships” my mother always said “If two people know something, it’s not a secret. It just hasn’t been spread yet.”

  17. Angelo Frank says:

    When does the new ‘Inquisition’ begin?

  18. @Polite Kool Marxist: Interesting that you’d say that. Many years ago, I was told that the next great prophet was to be a female born in the middle east in 2016, which means she’ll be here rather soon. Let’s hope she’s not murdered in her crib.


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