Fun With Gun: Rocky Mountain High Edition

February 22, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Colorado Representative Jared Wright likes to carry around his handgun with a black canvas handbag.  Not a purse, mind you.  It’s a bag.

So the Colorado House was discussing concealed handgun permits and Jared got so excited that he up and left his handgun and bag under his seat after the debate.  Bag.  It’s a bag, not a purse.

Screen Shot 2014-02-22 at 7.01.45 PMThe lawmaker who sits next to him, Rep. Jonathan Singer, found it. “I just immediately notified the Sergeant at Arms and soon we realized it was Jared’s bag,” Singer told the Denver Post.

See, it’s Jared’s bag.  Not his purse.

Although state law prohibits carrying a gun in the Capitol “without legal authority” Wright has the right to pack heat as a peace officer after serving in the Fruita Police Department from 2007 until 2011.

The office of Gov. John Hickenlooper contacted Wright about the incident and he consented to stop carrying the gun in the building and “agreed to be more careful” with the firearm.

Nothing was said about Jared’s bag purse.  I suspect he should be careful with it, too.

Jared is a Republican of course, with a 92% approval rating from the NRA.

Thanks to Irene for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Gun: Rocky Mountain High Edition”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Holy Gohmerts. Obviously “responsible” has too many syllables with which to attempt a discussion with the NRA.

    Let’s dumb it down for them and discuss SAFE.

    Man bag, man purse, what the gohmerts is wrong with a holster? Down their pants, up their please. GMAG They keep shooting their own butts, gohmerts and innocent people. Like D’uh, what is so bad about properly holstered and safety on? The second amendment covers their right to own, it does not grant them a special provision for stupid.

  2. Again . . . .speechless.

  3. Can’t let Texas have all the crazies…but it seems Texas is hoarding all the really crazy ones…Don’t feel bad Texas, we all have our “crosses to bear”…

  4. Edward Starsmith says:

    Let’s have a law along the lines of:

    “If a gun owner stores or carries their gun in such a way that it can be accessed by another person, the owner of that gun will be held responsible for whatever damage/crimes are committed along with the person who took the gun.”

    Maybe something like that will make them rethink … well. “Rethink” implies they thought about it in the first place.

  5. Mebbe its just me, coming from a very circumscribed culture of civilized principles, but somehow, some way this has gotta go on his record and when the time comes, as it must, his record will be part of a court decision.

  6. “The Fruita Police Department…” Really?

  7. Personally, I’d like to know why he’s only got a 92% approval from the NRA. What NRA positions were too extreme for even this irresponsible buffoon to support?

  8. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Since so many gun owners can’t seem to keep track of their weapons in public, may I suggest they start Super Glueing them to their butts? It’ll be safer for the rest of us.

  9. Yeah, it seems as though the easiest way for a bad guy toi get a gun is to wait for some careless good guy to drop one.

    On a side note – how does carrying around a gun in a “black canvas handbag” make one safer? Does one say to the bad guy “Wait, I know it’s around here somewhere…”?

  10. Bag, purse? Howzabout, “Gurse”

  11. Y’all know what they say…the only thing that stops a bad guy with a purse is a good guy with a purse.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    Gurse. Another word for our glossary. But I’ve always admired men who had the courage to carry a bag. Why should only women be able to carry a bag, just like why should men only have decent sized pockets in their garments? Bags are really great items. Unless you leave them holding guns under the seat where you last sat.

  13. When somebody does that, isn’t it a clear indication that they should not be able to carry a gun?
    If you forget to pick it up and take it with you, leave it in your car or forget you packed it in your luggage, it seems to me you are not a responsible gun owner and should lose the privilege.

  14. From this gohmert’s website:

    “Rep. Wright attended the Delta-Montrose Law Enforcement Academy in 2006 and served as a police officer for the City of Fruita between 2007 and 2011. As a police officer, Rep. Wright was a Crisis Intervention Training certified officer and specialized in effectively dealing with highly volatile situations involving the mentally ill.”

    (Physician, heal thyself.)


    “Jared works in his off time from the legislature as an illustrator, cartoonist and graphic artist.”

    (In other words, this dude gets most of his income from the legislature: $30,000/yr + $188.70 current per diem, based on 85% of GSA per diem for Denver, covering lodging plus meals.)

    A quote from Wright regarding this incident:

    ““I feel it’s my duty to be a first responder wherever I am at,” Wright said. “That’s why I carry it.”

    (Uh, Jared, guess what? In most places it ain’t your job, man!)

    When I was a supply sergeant with an Army company in Southern Germany, responsible for our arms room and weapons, we had a dingbat second looey who came in one day and opened the briefcase he always carried, revealing a shiny M1911A1 (standard .45 automatic to you civilians). I had to ask him if it belonged in the arms room. “No,” he answered blithely. “It’s mine. I just carry it around in case of emergency.” I didn’t have the nerve to ask him if it was loaded. There are more of these Jareds around us than we care to know about.

  15. e platypus onion says:

    Good to know that if a cartoon breaks out in Colorado,one first responder will be there with a pen to draw graphics with.

  16. In the 70s I worked on campus part time with another part timer who carried a Browning 9mm in his briefcase. (If you were born before about 1960 or 1962 you recognize a college student carrying a briefcase in 1975 is like a college student carrying a backpack today.) I discovered this fact one day when he relieved me so I could go to class. I didnt search his briefcase BTW, it was just there, on top of a spiral, in front of God and everybody else. I eventually graduated and left and heard that he’d been fired after scaring the crap out of some other co-worker.

  17. Okie-Dokie says:

    Too bad someone recognized this “bag.” The local bomb squad has spent a lot of time and money training for mysterious packages.

  18. Don’t tease the man for carrying a black canvas bag…clearly he’s too big for his britches and thus his pockets are unusable.

    But why do people like this think every emergency is best dealt with by shooting someone? Take the average car wreck. What you really need (and I used to carry in the car all the time) is a watch with a second hand, a stethoscope, a box of gloves, a box containing some big trauma pads for putting pressure bleeding sites, a blood pressure cuff maybe. A powerful flashlight (two is better) so if this wreck is at night to you can find people thrown from a vehicle and look inside the crunched cars to see who (if anyone) is down behind the back seat on the floor. You don’t need a gun. You also don’t need a gun at the scene of a drowning, or in 99.999% of “emergencies” an ambulance crew is called out for. You need the brain God gave a goose, and you need to have in it the skills (like CPR, like triage for a mass casualty wreck, like how to stop catastrophic bleeding, recognize respiratory failure from cyanide given off by a burning mobile home, like how to safely help a woman deliver a baby miles from other help…etc.) During my years as a paramedic, I never needed a gun myself or saw a law officer use one to bind up wounds, stop bleeding, start an IV, catch a baby, do CPR, comfort the frightened and hurt, put on and inflate MAST trousers…etc. If you were smart enough to fully unload your piece, I suppose you could use it instead of a stick to tighten a tourniquet, but carrying an 18-inch length of dowel in your go-kit for the purpose would be smarter and not risk forgetting there might be a round in the chamber.

    It’s the old hammer-everything’s a nail problem. If you have a firearm, you think every problem can be solved with it–until you try.

  19. Oh–here’s more on Jared Wright, from back during his first run for Rep.

    So he didn’t have a clean record at the police department. It’s one thing to hang out at your house and be late to work, but lying about it? Bad. And a possible Brady issue (something to do with firearms?) that could hurt his career? Worse and worse.

    Of course the Republicans in his district will vote for him anyway.

  20. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Dear gohmerts in the NRA and other 2nd Amendment gohmerts, spokesman for Al Qaeda, Adam Gadahn, thanks you, pRick Perry and the GOP obstructionists to safe guns.

    ” In addition, people on terrorist watch lists are not forbidden from purchasing guns and many have done just that. Gadahn’s instructions come in the wake of Associated Press reporting that showed that more than 200 people with suspected terrorist ties bought guns legally in the United States last year. Following the AP report Representative Mike Quigley introduced an amendment to the Patriot Act that would give the Attorney General the authority to block gun sales to individuals on terror watch lists. The amendment was voted down.

    Of course, the NRA remains adamantly opposed to closing the gun-show loophole. Indeed, they also remain opposed to bipartisan efforts to make it tougher for terrorists to buy guns.”

    “One can only conclude that they are objectively pro-terrorist.”

    The GOP may be “pro-life,” but they sure as gohmert are not pro-sane.
