Ah, This Ain’t a New Thing

January 29, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here ya go –



Republicans and spelling go together like orange juice and toothpaste.


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0 Comments to “Ah, This Ain’t a New Thing”

  1. Chloe Bear says:

    Home schooled.

  2. Great, cheap and incorrect.

    Just the venue for 45’s first SOTU speech.

    Not that I will be watching….

  3. Marge Wood says:

    What happens when your computer does your thinking for you…..

  4. fierywoman says:

    The ALWAYS vote to de-fund eduction, so what else would you expect?

  5. Aaannd, cue the hysterically mad rush to come up with a definition for Uniom that fits. How about “Russian word for satellite state”.
    You could probably get pretty good odds in Vegas that the winner is gonna come outta Scotland. Say that reminds me. How bout this. “The natural habitat of the Weaselheaded F**knugget”

  6. They’re being reprinted, so those trees died in vain. Bets that the misprinted ones don’t even get recycled, just trashed.

  7. Sandridge says:

    Dayum, I feel obligated to watch SOBOTUS’s SOTU tomorrow just because, but I sure wish my TV had a voice changing option built in. I cannot stand the very sound of that verminous “Weaselheaded F**knuggetā€¯, nor his tone, cadence, and accent.

    Hell, maybe I’ll just mute the TV and activate the ‘closed caption’ text scroll option, heheh, that might work. It would save my ears, but may not save the TV from thrown (or fired) objects…might be better to watch on the big old CRT TV, with the thick glass screen.

  8. Sandridge says:

    Look for SOBOTUS and Co. to try and monetize those misprinted SOTU tickets, like misprinted USPS stamp issues or US Mint coinage FU’s.
    They could try to auction the tickets off as ‘collectibles’ later on. Anything for a buck, nothing too tacky for a tRump.

  9. I love the Scots’ gift for language:

    Bloviating flesh bag
    Weasel headed f*cknugget
    Witless F*cking Cocksplat
    Tiny fingered, cheetoh faced, ferret wearing, sh*tgibbon
    and my personal favorite–
    Mangled Apricot Hellbeast

    I keep those on my phone for times when I feel the need for a little cheering up. They always work.

  10. Well, Republicans do hate unions…

  11. Larry from Colorado says:

    Falls right in with the endless R attacks on education.

    I have to admit “Mangled Apricot Hellbeast” is better than Mango Mussolini though.
