Acting Secretary of Defense Shuts Down Transition Meetings

December 18, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Trump

Last night, acting Secretary of Defense, Chris Miller, unilaterally shut down all transition meetings with the Biden team.  His reason?  The holidays.  Recall that Miller has only been in office a little over a month after the unceremonious firing of Mark Esper right after the election.  In a statement, Miller said the DOD is “taking a knee” for two weeks for the holiday.  The Biden team was unaware of Miller’s decision and staff throughout the DOD were shocked.

So let’s be clear – after over a month of refusing to allow the transition to move forward, another “acting” Trump staffer has thrown another monkey wrench into the works to sabotage Biden.  It’s beyond shameful.

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0 Comments to “Acting Secretary of Defense Shuts Down Transition Meetings”

  1. Sounds like treason to me…

  2. So defense takes a holiday? That’s good to know.

  3. They need time to burn the evidence of treason. Gotta protect those Russky hacks. Biden needs to fire every damn civilian hired by Trump.
    The Biden admin is just bringing a church hot dish to a knife fight, if not.

  4. Fits in perfectly with everything else that Putin’s Puppet [Comrade Donnei], Moscow Mitch, Leningrad Lindsey, and all the other treasonous Rethuglikan sonsabitches [NRA…] have been doing for years.

    A more than perfect fit with the current ongoing breach of our nation’s most sensitive IT systems by the Russkis and others.

    How many of y’all think that all this shit is just ‘coincidence’ or normal bizasusual?
    Remember that Comrade Donnei has been in the Russian’s pockets since about 1992, as his high-flying financial ’empire’ was collapsing. IOW, when he began to run out of normal US bank credit sources and had to turn to very shady money lenders [ever since].

    A political transition anywhere is risky, most of all for the supposed ‘world’s greatest power’. This one is damned scary.

  5. Cheryl Jean Johns says:

    Not only just fired – tried for treason. Let me see – we are just learning that everything has been hacked by the Russians – and yet that seems to be a good time for the DOD to take a 2 week vacation? ….and announce it? Next, trump will end the Open Skies Treaty, so we won’t even know when they are coming. Oh, wait, he did that. Is trump going to have time to tie a big red gift bow around America for Putin? When is it going to be enough to pull that idiot out of the Oval Office – once a city or two gets nuked here? Or for the GOP, is that not even enough?

  6. “Taking a knee”? That’s a reference to protests by football players over civil rights violations. That means the Trump Administration’s action is a protest against his being voted out of office.

    What vile people these are.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    So do active duty personnel get to take off too?

  8. The Trump administration takes the same approach in the Defense Department as they did with COVID, hands off, laissez-faire, let nature take its course with the least amount of effort from Trump & his minions. It makes one wonder, have they bought stock in body bag manufacturers?

    How do you make America great by weakening our defense oversight?

  9. @Papa: yeah. I wonder what those briefings were getting too close to revealing. A smoking gun? Teensy things? Nothing at all? I guess it may come out after the Inauguration. I’m waiting to find what documents have been destroyed, what the Trump appointees refuse to cooperate with, and which Trump appointees refuse to testify because of “executive privilege” of a PAST administration that is no longer in place.

  10. Probably one or two calls to the JAG office could solve this.

    Unlawful orders, you know.

  11. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Chris Miller needs a serious attitude adjustment, preferably arranged by a large, fit, group of senior NCOs, backed by an array of starry shoulders. Followed by an long and serious conversation that ends in his being confined from here to eternity.

    That dogwhistle of ‘take a knee’ in such a time and in such a public way and smirking tone…little twerp thinks he’s really clever. People like Trump, and Chris Miller make it really hard to stick to Advent discipline. Anger’s bad for my blood-pressure, too. But since Trump thinks firing squads are a good idea…here’s a fine scumbag to start with.

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    If anyone doubted how much damage Trumpf could do before he slimes out of the WH, doubt no more. Obviously the new secretary of defense puppet is complicit in Trumpf trying to hide stuff from Biden and the country. Coupled with Putin’s hack job on almost every corner of our government and Trumpf’s deafening silence, this is 25th amendment time AGAIN. All this while fucking up the coronavirus response. He’s trying to punish the country for not voting him in for a 2nd term
    News is Trumpf’s total focus is on more pardons to protect and buy silence from people in his orbit while continuing election rants. He’s a mad man.

  13. One last eff-you to the Biden team. And if anyone complains, they get accused of trying to steal Christmas…

  14. He’s hiding. He can’t deal with the press and whatever else lives in his bailiwick. Also, besides not being smart, he’s got no class whatsoever but naturally in a tRump administration neither is a requirement.

  15. Meanwhile, news is starting to plop down about the Trump Crime Family/Org [TCF/TCO] grifting away perhaps as much as a $Billion dollars from the Resident Reject’s losing campaign organizations [remember, you must at least double any numbers about the Trump Crime Org].

    And since then, Nov 3, they have devised the overall ‘Start the Steal ‘Em Blind’ movements that may have allowed the TCF to grift off as much as $500,000 more so far, with an almost limitless future potential.

    Probably why Brad Parscale had a meltdown, it just got too effing hot even for him. Look for him and a few others to have some fatal ‘accidents’ or mysterious illnesses when things quiet down in a few months.

    I jes LUVS IT! Rethugs rich and poor getting shafted six ways from Sunday by the world’s biggest ever Con Man, his thieving family [JarVanka et al], and a few select minions [Ghouliani, Flynn, et al].

    The Repuglikan suckers and losers are getting bled white. Then the TCF will skin the flesh off their bones and sell it for T-branded pet treats [and the bones too].

  16. So maybe the russki hack of D.O.D. wasn’t such a brilliant 007 spy geek thing. When you gotta inside gang offlocking all the doors for the bad guys, easy peasy to get in. Yes, treason most foul.

  17. Maybe “taking a knee” is code for saving the incoming staff from being infected with the Russian malware. He’s just being helpful during this time of isolation…

  18. Plain scary, Chris Miller shut down all transition meetings with incoming Biden team. Reason Christmas! The guy has only had the job for a month & is taking a two week vacation!
    What does it mean for America that the incoming presidents staff wont have all the information needed incase of a national emergency in his first month of office

  19. This administration is handing to it successor the golden key, to investigate anything and everything. “National security”.

    My concern is that the Biden will not play that card. Harris has nothing else to do except preside over the Senate, so she should implement her investigative and prosecutorial skills.

    I hope they don’t make me completely disilusioned about elections. Since 1976, my first election my vote has been stolen because of the EC. Either Maine and Nebraska change, or the rest of the 48 states change to apportiond EC voting. Too much to expect for direct elections.

  20. Per “Biden needs to fire every civilian hired by tRump . . .” It usually turns out that those folks take to the street as soon as there is a new sheriff in town. If they wait too long, well . . . that’s their own grief.

  21. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I don’t think most people appreciate the extent of this attack. It was cyber-Pearl Harbor, and it will take years to put right. Blocking the Biden transition team just makes that harder. Just because there are no burning battleships or collapsing towers doesn’t mean we weren’t attacked. Someone must be held accountable.
