A Whole Year? Really? You Mean The Whole Damn Thing?

April 07, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Now here’s a law that needs fixing.

In 2010, a West Virginia Coal mine exploded, killing 29 men.

imagesDon Blankenship, the Massey Energy CEO, was convicted last December of misdemeanor conspiracy to willfully violate mine safety standards. During the trial, he escaped being convicted on any felony charges.

Yesterday, United States District Judge Irene Berger handed down the maximum sentence of one year in prison and a $250,000 fine.  The judge added, “we are here as a result of your part in a dangerous conspiracy.”

Blankenship’s reaction?

Following his sentencing Wednesday, ex-Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship said that the 29 men who died in the 2010 explosion “were great guys, great coal miners.

But he added that, “It is important to everyone that you know that I’m not guilty of a crime.”

Yeah, that’s what is important.

His lawyers have him out on appeal.

According to Wikipedia

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings show Blankenship was paid $17.8 million in 2009, the highest in the coal industry. His 2009 pay represents a $6.8 million raise over 2008 and almost double his compensation package in 2007. Blankenship also received a deferred compensation package valued at $27.2 million in 2009.

Blankenship is a major Republican Party contributor and an all-around jerk.  They are already warming-up a special place in hell for him.

I put a picture of him up there so if you ever see him in person you can tell him to kiss your big blue butt.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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