A Thought

March 19, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My friend Rutger just mentioned that maybe George Conway is the new Martha Mitchell.

My mouth fell open.  I think he’s right.

I have become a fan of podcasts.  I listened to Slow Burn from Slate and it’s well worth your time.  Season 1, Episode 1 of Slow Burn is entitled Martha.  I had largely forgotten about Martha Mitchell until I heard it and then suddenly, I saw that Nixon’s attempt to paint Martha as a crazy alcoholic was because she was right.  Well, that and the fact that she was a crazy alcoholic. But even alcoholics can tell the truth.

Slow Burn is well worth your time, and you’ll look at George Conway a whole different way if you remember Martha Mitchell.


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0 Comments to “A Thought”

  1. Wow, I had forgotten about her, too. She was in a unique position to speak the truth that she told, and the same would seem to apply to George Conway.

  2. I don’t think anybody is laughing at George the way they initially did at Martha. Nobody is saying that he is either/both crazy and alcoholic. He certainly doesn’t come off that way. It’s more of a head-scratcher about that marriage seems to hang together.

  3. NicaBrian says:

    I loved reading Mrs. Mitchell’s Diary in the National Lampoon back in the day. It was the most awesome source of truthiness dirt around. Unlike the Mitchells, though, the Conways are a well-oiled team. I don’t think I’ve ever seen KellyAnne criticize his remarks or even acknowledge them in public. The bit of dirt that after one of her Sunday Gish Gallop liefests she walked off camera and said “God, I need to take a shower after that!” shows she has as much loyalty to Trump as he has to any of his non familial staff. The book will be killer.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Hedging his bets, sandbagging or whatever game George Conway is playing, rest assured he and his evil mate are positioning all 40 of their toes and fingers to push the Koch/Mercer schemes forward with or without Donnie. If Pence or Kasich becomes their candidate, George will have many reasons to out drink Martha.

  5. thatotherjean says:

    Yes, I remember Martha Mitchell, and I agree that George could well be a political truth-teller of the sort that she was. I don’t understand the relationship between George and Kellyann Conway, but I don’t think it’s hostile, the way John and Martha Mitchell were. George may attack Trump, but never disparages his own wife.

  6. She pops up in my head a couple times a year. And I say thank you, Jesus. IMO, it was clear Martha was truly repulsed by what George was participating in. But Martha and George were already on the thin raggedy edge. Cannot figure how George Conway goes home at night.

    It took a lot of gumption on Martha’s part to keep on telling us when they almost had her locked up. Maybe they did.

    IMO, the Republicans paint any woman they are afraid of as a drunk. They did it to Hillary and now they have started in on Nancy Pelosi. True, they got some help from Martha. I understand. Sometimes there is nothing else to do but open anther bottle of wine.
    George and Ms. alternative facts have a plan. I just don’t know what it is.

  7. Lunargent says:

    At first I read this as George Clooney, and was understandably baffled.

    Anyhoo, as Martha Mitchell demonstrated, that whole In Vino Veritas thing is often true.

  8. BarbinDC, we’ll know for certain when George has been relocated to a hotel and the rumors of alcoholism and mental illness start surfacing. Lord knows I can understand how this Administration would drive you to drink, let alone cohabiting with Kelly Anne! Lunargent has the right of it, In Vino Veritas indeed.

  9. Linda Phipps says:

    I brought up the sad story of Martha Mitchell a few days ago. My observation of the Conway conundrum is that they have a schtick that is a “good cop/bad cop” routine and are laughing themselves silly about this. I might be wrong but it’s worth, I think it’s worthy of throwing this spaghetti against the wall.

  10. George is KellyAnne’s political twitter beard.

    She is in the WH for the Mercers so I think she’d crawl across a room full of Trump’s shedding hair to stay there. But maybe the only way she is able to pick her horrid bones up out of bed each day is to know “George’s” insulting tweets are coming to piss Trump off.

    Or . . . . Kelly and George are just staying together for the kids.

    Or . . . . .This is all just some sick drama they got together on with Trump.

  11. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Could one or the other have written the Anonymous op-ed in the NY Times last summer? (You know…if people only knew the stuff we keep him from doing, etc., etc.) As I recall, the author was never unmasked and was thought to be John Kelly. Now I’m not sure. This is what the Speaker meant when she said, “He’s not worth [impeachment].” Don’t obsess about Trump — he’s awful but he’s only the blemish on a very sick body. Lots of zealots and true believers are backing him up.

  12. Came across this interesting article tonight. How they stay married, I guess.


  13. Reporter Ashley Parker said on MSNBC this evening that she was with the trump team on election night. That after trump was declared the winner (barf!!!), George Conway walked past her, in tears, saying how his wife had won the election for trump and how proud he was of her. So maybe this is all for show. Remember that Kelly Ann was staunchly anti trump before going to work for him. I don’t understand people who sell out their principles for money. It’s deplorable.

  14. I see George and Kellyanne Conway as kayfabe.

    Recall that Donald Trump was involved in professional wrestling, where kayfabe is king (and Trump himself was involved in kayfabe).

    No matter which way this comes out (Trump survives or Trump is driven from office) one of them can say “see I told you so.”

  15. I think this act is a scam. I think this is all a show to distract. What shoe is about to drop while the media fawns over this.

  16. Cato the Censor says:

    I’m sorry to pick a nit, but it was Spiro Agnew’s wife who had the parody diary in the National Lampoon, not Martha Mitchell. It was a really funny bit.

  17. NicaBrian says:

    Thanks, Cato! That brought back a whole raft of memories. It was easily my favorite column.

  18. daChipster says:

    Leave us not forget that when all the anti-Bill Clinton people (the Elves) were trolling through trailer parks, George Conway was on the legal team setting him up, and he was the conduit via Brett Kavanaugh to Ken Starr.

    They’re playing the long game, folks. As much as we like what he’s SAYING, his motivations aren’t pure.
