A Little Good News

January 05, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Written by Nick Carraway
“We spend much of our time complaining these days and for good reason. I thought I would pass along some good news and positive vibes as a proverbial lime wedge for the tequila shot that has become our lives these days.
My district sent out a questionnaire during the break for the vaccine roll out. Of course, Texas did not see it necessary to vaccinate every teacher in the first round, but those of us with underlying health conditions could go to the front of the line. My diabetes got me a spot yesterday for the Moderna vaccine.
They used the local football station for a housing site. I reserved a time for after work and got there about 20 minutes early. They checked a QR code to make sure we were supposed to be there and took our temperature. By the time my appointment came up I had already been vaccinated without having to leave my car. I will get the second round at the beginning of February.
I know the roll out of the vaccine has not been ideal and there haven’t been nearly enough of them to go around, but I was very impressed with what the governing agency here was able to come up with. It was well organized and relatively painless. Government can work when you give them the resources to do it. I can only hope we can see more of this in a little more than two weeks.”
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0 Comments to “A Little Good News”

  1. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Glad for you, and always happy to hear about a smoother path than expected.

  2. DaddyWasATexan says:

    I used to work for the health department here in our Virginia locality, and we prepped for vaccination clinics at least twice a year. Even after I retired, I continued to get my flu shot at the drive up clinic because I knew how important it was to be pandemic-ready.

    I think my husband and I are in the third group to be eligible and that’s fine with us. We just continue to stay home, and if we do have to go out, consider that EVERYONE has the Covid Cooties.

  3. john in denver says:

    nice to hear about pockets of competence …

    Morning Consult’s daily update today carried news of the vaccine acceptance polling:

    “Fifty-seven percent of adults say they’d seek a coronavirus vaccine if one were available to them, on par with recent trends but still the highest level since early August. The gap between Democrats (71 percent) and Republicans (48 percent) is the widest it’s been since then, though, with vaccine willingness among Democrats cratering in late summer before ticking back up in recent weeks and for months rarely breaking 50 percent among Republicans.”

  4. I signed up to be a contact tracer today with my local health dept.
    I felt I had to do something.
    My area is slow to get out the vaccine.
    I would be able to get the vaccine and told them I would help at vaccination sites.
    My husband is older , hope he can be vaccinated soon.
    That new strand of COVID was found 2 hrs from here.
    And the college kids come back at the end of the month.

  5. Good for you! Just found out by accident that the biggest hospital in my area, the one with all the parking garages, is giving the shots. they have 30 people doing it. However, there is something link thousands of people already on the appointment list. the oldest in the crowd and bumped to the head of the line. Also if you are any kind of first responder. Now here’s the thing: no announcements were made on TV, radio or in the paper. Consequently I am going to have to shovel even harder to even find out how I could get the vaccine. Please note that the BIGGEST hospital in the area has this dominance. My local hospital does not. They were told they don’t have the parking space!
